Zhou Qing covered her mouth, she looked at Feng Qining nervously, she didn't think about it, but there were too many things that she couldn't predict after coming here, and she thought she was prepared, but she couldn't think of these things Far exceeded her expectations.
She saw that her father was very excited just now, and only then did she reveal her true colors.

"Okay, hurry up and tell me which one is your father"

Zhou Qing pointed to the third cell from the right, the one behind the crowd, Feng Qining looked at the man, only to see that his face was covered in blood, and he was only wearing his inner garment, which was still tattered.

Looking at her father's appearance, Zhou Qing's eyes turned red. Her father hasn't suffered such a crime for a long time, but now he is going to suffer such a crime when he is old. It is her second uncle. [

Feng Qining gave Lancer a wink, the light that was originally on was suddenly flickered by a strange gust of wind, within a short while, the man was already in Lancer's hands.

Being taken away by an unknown person, he didn't yell, and let Lancer grab him. Lancer was a little depressed. If he had known that he was so obedient, he wouldn't have to take off his socks.

This one has a sock on one foot and no sock on the other, which is always uncomfortable.

"Okay, come out"

Feng Qining stood still, no matter where she stayed, she was afraid that Zhou Qing would draw those people over.

"What did you bring me here for?"

The man asked belatedly, and he looked around blankly, as if he realized that he had been caught.

"Of course it will kill you"

Lan Se didn't even think about it and said that this person didn't know if he was beaten stupidly, and it took so long to react.

"Dad, how are you?"

As soon as he touched the ground, Zhou Qing rushed over. Hearing Zhou Qing's voice, the man turned around slowly. When he saw Zhou Qing, his whole body trembled.

"Father, it's me, I'm your daughter, you don't even know me, do you?"

Zhou Qing threw himself into his father's arms and cried loudly. Feeling her tears, the man stretched out his hand tremblingly.

"Qing'er, why are you coming back at this time, you are confused, confused!"

"This is my home, you are my parents, where else can I go if I don't come back?"

Hearing these words, Feng Qining walked far away.

For these bitter scenes, she is most afraid, she should cry, afraid of being called too emotional by them, don't cry, and afraid of being called too cold-blooded, so the best way for these things to happen is for her to walk away.

"Qing'er, they are"

Zhou Tong looked at Lan Se, he was the one who rescued him just now, this man is not a simple person, how could his daughter know them? [

"These are my friends. This time I got their help. Father, this is Miss Feng. These are all her friends."

Zhou Qing especially introduced Feng Qining like his father, other people can be neglected, but the only one who can't be neglected is Feng Qining.

"Miss Feng, thank you"

Zhou Tong's eyes were full of gratitude. Others would have run away long ago when they heard about them, and they were the only ones who would help her.

"Don't be grateful, I didn't help you in vain"

Zhou Tong looked at the generous Feng Qining, and then at the group of men around her, and understood why his daughter deliberately introduced her to him.

"This is not a place to talk, if you have anything to say, let's go back and talk about it"

Zhou Qing wiped away tears, her mother would be very happy to see her father, maybe she would be fine if she was happy.

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