"Damn it, I'm back"

Zhou Tong looked at his wife, stepped forward, saw him, the pillow in the woman's hand fell to the ground, she seemed to look at him in disbelief, as if suspecting that he was a fake.look
"You, you are not, he has been taken away, he may have been killed long ago"

She heard what those people said with her own mouth, saying that he had been beaten to death. If Zhou Qing hadn't waited, she might have slammed her head against the wall to death.

"I, I'm not dead, I'm still alive and well, look, I'm really fine" [

Zhou Tong grabbed the woman's hand and felt the warmth of her palm. There was suspicion in the woman's eyes.

"My mother, look, I really am, and I still have a tooth mark on my arm, which you left when you gave birth to Qinger."

Zhou Tong rolled up his sleeves, revealing the unique teeth marks, looking at the teeth marks on Zhou Tong's arm, the woman cried "Wow".

The family is reunited, they seem to be light bulbs here, Feng Qining winks at Murong Li, and Murong Li also leaves with interest.

"She's back home, when can we go home?"

Feng Qining hugged Murongli, seeing that Zhou Qing was loved by her parents, Feng Qining thought of her parents again, the two elders who regarded themselves as treasures, wondered if they had too much white hair on their heads , I don’t know if they are worried about themselves.

"It will be soon, don't worry, I think we will go back soon"

Murong Li looked at the sky. She has been wandering outside for half a year. In the past six months, she has experienced everything and experienced all kinds of hardships.

"Where are you going? Isn't your home here?"

Lin Sheng was curious, these people always talk about going home, going home, but where else is their home besides here?

"Tell you you don't understand, take you far away, how do you say I will tell you?"

If you don't want to say it, then don't say it, and you still have to find such an excuse.

"Miss Feng, my parents want to see you"

Feng Qining looked at Murong Li, did they only let her in?Can't others go in?

"Others can come in too"

Zhou Qing was embarrassed to add another sentence, didn't everyone else go wherever Feng Qining went?Does this need any special explanation?

As soon as Feng Qining walked in, Zhou Tong and his wife knelt down towards her, which frightened Feng Qining.

"What are you doing? Get up quickly"

Feng Qining supported them with her hands, why do people here like to kneel before others, she is not dead yet, this kind of kneeling is usually for dead people, right? [

"We don't know how to repay the girl's great kindness"

"No need to pay back, it's just a little effort"

Murong Li helped them up, he was not being polite, he was just afraid of tiring Feng Qining.

"Father, what is going on, please tell me quickly"

Zhou Tong sighed, this matter is simple and simple, but complicated and complicated.

"Your uncle did it all by himself."

Because he gambled all the year round, there was nothing of value left in the house. His wife had cried, beaten, and scolded, but she didn't care. Originally, she still wanted to have a child. Seeing her husband like this, she didn't plan to have one.

If he is like this, he will sell her after she has a baby. When he has nothing, let's see how he gambles.

Unexpectedly, the man had no money, and he even hit his idea on his sister-in-law.

He sold his sister-in-law to the county magistrate as his wife.

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