Feng Qining, apart from loving the people around her the most, is the second most important thing. If she really loses money, she doesn't have thousands of taels to pay it back.
"Hurry up"

The county magistrate who was urged was very unhappy, he also urged the people around him, the gambling king wiped the sweat off his forehead, don't care, just die, anyway death is death, early death is also death, early death Premature overbirth.


The gambling king closed his eyes, this time he really gambled, whether he wins or loses, he can only depend on the sky, he forgot, this time the winning or losing depends not on the sky but on Feng Qining. [

If Feng Qining wants to open up, she will naturally open up, if she doesn't, she will naturally open down.


The magistrate nodded: "sure."

His subordinates will not lie to him. They say big is big, and there is absolutely no mistake.

The county magistrate has forgotten again that there is nothing absolute in this world. If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts, right?

The red lips draw out a beautiful arc, Feng Qining lifts up the can with one hand, all of them are one.

"Looks like you lost"

Feng Qi Ning smiled, the county magistrate's complexion was ashen, and he looked at the gambling king with cloudy eyes, with a vague hostility, the gambling king lowered his head, not daring to look directly into the county magistrate's eyes.

He knew that he was dead this time, but shouldn't he take care of himself first now?Wait until he's safe before trying to kill him.

Without Feng Qining's orders, Lan Se went up to take the title deed. The county magistrate was quick and wanted to snatch it before Lan Se, but unfortunately he was quick, and Lan Se was even faster. With a wave of his hand, the title deed was in his hands.

"You don't need to give it to me, we have our own hands and will take it by ourselves"

Where did he want to give it to them, he wanted to give it to himself.

"Don't worry shopkeeper, we're not done yet, I know, you must be very unhappy in your heart"

Yes, he is very unwilling, very unwilling, but he can't beat them, so he has to suppress his unwillingness, otherwise what else can he do?

"Well, don't you have the habit of lending money to others to gamble? You don't have any capital, how about I still have it? Do you want to borrow the land deed back? But if you lose, you will owe me 5 taels, what? Sample?"

"My mother really has a big tone, she is not afraid that people will not take off their pants and give her enough."

Lancer said something like a smirk.

"Isn't this what she needs? I think she just wants people to strip off all their clothes and run naked on the street."

Yichu said something very calmly. [

"You really know me"

Feng Qining said something without looking back, and the few people deliberately lowered their voices, the county magistrate naturally couldn't hear what they were saying, but they felt very clearly that these people had no internal strength.

"How? As long as you say a word, the title deed can be taken back. I just happened to do it this time, not to mention that it was your person who made the move this time. Can you still not trust him?"

The magistrate of the county thought for a moment, just now she was a coincidence, she made a mistake once, and she will definitely not miss it this time.

"My lord, absolutely not"

The gambling king said this again, and the county magistrate became angry.

"I'll come as I go"

Grabbing the gambler aside, watching the two of them go out, Feng Qining sat leisurely on the chair.

"Phoenix girl"

Zhou Qing yelled out a little helplessly.

"Why do you look like that? This is my shot and not yours. What are you afraid of?"

She didn't understand, she wasn't nervous, why was she nervous, people who didn't understand thought she was the one who did it.

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