"I, I'm afraid of losing money"

When she said this, Zhou Qing obviously lacked confidence. What Feng Qining hates most is that she looks down on her. Her words obviously have elements of belittling her. www>

"It's not your money that you lost, what are you afraid of? Calm down."

Feng Qining patted her on the back, Zhou Qing immediately stood up straight, Feng Qining nodded, that's right.

Unexpectedly, the county magistrate just walked in from the outside at this time. From his perspective, what he saw was Feng Qining touching Zhou Qing's back. Immediately, his eyes became ambiguous. [

Unexpectedly, he is actually a fellow!

"How is it? Have you considered it?"

Feng Qining fanned her fan and asked, the magistrate did not speak, but just blinked at Feng Qining, Feng Qining asked as if she didn't understand: "What's wrong with your eyes? Are you cramping?"

The shoulders of the person behind her immediately shrugged, others didn't know it, but Murong Li knew it very clearly, the county magistrate obviously misunderstood her action just now.

Unexpectedly, the magistrate of this county eats all men and women, and his former wife probably couldn't stand this, so he was so mad at him.

And if he didn't guess wrong, the look he gave must be trying to say something to Feng Qining.

"Of course not, I want to tell you, maybe we have other ways to play"

Feng Qi Ning sat up straight, and asked very interestedly: "Oh, there is another way to play? What is it?"


Gambler?This game is big enough, but she is not interested in him.

"But in my eyes, you are worse than a pig"

Pigs can still be killed and eaten, but for him, killing him won't do him any good, and the fat all over his body is of no use at all, and she doesn't want to be a human bun.

The group of people behind her all had smiles on their lips, and Feng Qining's words became more and more sharp, she hit the nail on the head and showed no mercy.

The magistrate's beard twitched, as if he was very dissatisfied with Feng Qining's words. He was ugly, but his abilities in other aspects were no worse than anyone else's.


As soon as the topic changed, it seemed that there was room for the matter to turn around, and the eyes of the county magistrate showed light again. Look, he knew that she would not be uninterested in him.

"I heard that the magistrate of the county married a wife as beautiful as a flower. Why don't you suppress your wife? She can be a maid for me when she goes back. As for you, facing your fat body, you can only It will spoil Ben Shao's appetite."

Feng Qining's words finally made the magistrate lift the table: "You..."

Pointing at Feng Qining, she couldn't say anything after that, Feng Qining raised her eyebrows and looked at him, waiting for his words. [

"What do you want to say? Say it, I'm all ears"

The eyes glanced at him, the eyes were very indifferent, a kind of restrained indifference, the eyes were calm and unmarked, the eyes were absolutely tough, as if she was standing on the top of the world and despised the world.

"No, it's just that I just married my wife..."

Oh, it turns out that he hasn't played enough, she understands, she fully understands.

"But I'll push me up. You say I'm better than your wife, which one is better?"

Feng Qining is a fine person, she has already seen what he is thinking.

He is disgusting, if she wants to serve him, I'm afraid she will solve him directly.


The magistrate is very hesitant, which wife is very beautiful, he likes it very much, but she is disobedient and still refuses to serve him, Feng Qining is different, if she loses, she can only obey him obediently.

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