"Since you don't dare, forget it, let's continue playing this game"

When Feng Qining was so excited, the blood of the county magistrate came up, he dared to fight like a dude, why didn't he dare?What's more, he has a better chance of winning this time.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Just press it. If you lose, your people and money are mine. If I lose, then this gambling house and my wife are yours."

The game is big enough, but did he miscalculate a bit, "If you lose, you still owe me another 5 taels, how about it?"


The magistrate gritted his teeth, Feng Qining pursed his lips, after doing so many things, the fish finally took the bait, now there was no need to set up a trap, he jumped in by himself.

Don't look at the ending, it's the county grandpa who lost.

"Okay, shopkeeper, when will you give me the money and wife?"

Looking at the county magistrate's colorless face, Feng Qining thought it was very pretty. She had always thought that seeing the changes in people's faces was a very interesting thing.

"What must you have done?"

The county magistrate, who lost nothing, went crazy. This time he seemed to have lost everything.

"What did we do? We didn't do anything, but what did you do?"

Murong Li took out the dice from her bosom, seeing the dice, the face of the magistrate turned pale in an instant.

"If we don't know about your little moves, then don't we have all the lost clothes left?"

With a perfect smile on her face, Feng Qining was leaning on the table, looking like she was the only one who respected me.

The magistrate of the county couldn't say a word. He knew that he met an expert today, and he was a well-known expert. He should have guessed it. They knew his identity and background. How could such a person come from a simple place? For fun?

"When will you give me 5 taels? If you give it to me now, nothing will happen. If you are an hour later, then you will have an extra 1 taels."

Feng Qining expected a long time ago that he didn't have so much money here, and it must have been around 10 taels after a few hours' delay.

"You are stealing money"

The magistrate jumped up from his chair, paying 1 taels an hour. He had never heard of such an outrageous price.

"That's because I'm in a hurry, and I have to hurry, but I don't have time to worry about you. If you delay for a few years, then I will be at a loss."

"Also, didn't you come up with this method? It's 5000 taels for an hour, and if you're not in a hurry, it's 5000 taels. If I'm in a hurry, wouldn't it cost 1 taels? This price still depends on your acquaintance. , if I am not an acquaintance, my time is precious."

Feng Qining sat on the chair, showing no signs of leaving.

"What? Are you still leaving? Now this is my place" [

Feng Qining made a "please" gesture.

"No, I won't leave. This is my place. It's you who should leave. If you don't leave, I will send someone to arrest you."

Still playing a scoundrel, Feng Qining gave the person behind her a wink, and Lan Se nodded.

"Since you still owe so much money, then use your clothes to pay off the debt. When you have money, come and get it again."

Lancer cleverly took off his clothes, grabbed his neck, and carried him to the door. This scene attracted countless people to watch.

"Everyone, hurry up and take a look, the magistrate of the county comes to the casino to gamble, and there are no clothes left after losing."

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