Lan Se's words reminded everyone, everyone took a closer look, and sure enough, who else could the person who was stripped naked be the magistrate?

"Dog officer"

I don't know where someone smashed rotten eggs, and someone agreed at the beginning. Immediately, many small stones flew from all directions. The county magistrate put his hands on his head, but he was still bleeding from the impact.Fiction Rankings
"Officer Dog, I didn't expect you to have today"

A rotten egg happened to hit Grandpa Zhongxian in the eye, and a stench immediately filled his body. [

"Bold and unreasonable, dare to hit this official, wait for this official to go back and slowly deal with you"

Feng Qining and the others stood upstairs and shook their heads when they heard these words. This person seemed hopeless.

"Son, your father still has no vision, and found such a person"

These words sounded in Lan Se's ear, he looked in Feng Qining's direction, anyway, she just looked forward with a smile, without any movement at all.

"Mother, don't worry, I will withdraw him."

If he is not withdrawn, is he still left to endanger the world?Such a person should have been extinct long ago.

After watching it for a while, Feng Qining suddenly felt bored. She has seen so many things like this, she has long since lost the feeling, and now it is really very difficult to want something that can make her heart a little turbulent.

When she walked in, a figure hurried towards the door, Feng Qining narrowed her eyes, flung out the ribbon in her hand, wrapped it around the man's waist, dragged it hard, and the man fell heavily to the ground.

"You are so brave, you dare to eavesdrop on us"

Feng Qining said sternly, her tone was absolutely cold.

"It's you?"

When she saw that person clearly, Zhou Qing's face changed, her face was distorted, and there was a lot of hatred in her eyes.

"Qing'er? It's really you, you finally came back safely, you don't know how worried we are about you"

This is her second uncle?Feng Qining raised her eyebrows and looked at the person in front of her. Her face was yellow and thin, and she was as thin as skin and bones. Her teeth were very yellow, and there were not many hairs left. Such a person is like a wooden stick, except for a layer of skin. Besides, there is really nothing.

"Are you worried about me? Are you worried about me making my house like that?"

Zhou Qing kicked him unceremoniously, Zhou Jing didn't expect Zhou Qing to become so barbaric, even if he was prepared, his bones probably wouldn't be able to stop Zhou Qing.

Feng Qining admired Zhou Qing's approach, if she was like those holy mothers, if she was not willing to deal with such a person or reason with him, she would definitely turn around and leave without saying a word.

"You heard what the second uncle said, and the second uncle didn't want to do this either."

Zhou Jing's words aroused Zhou Qing's even greater anger. She looked around, and Feng Qining handed her big knife up: "Let's solve it with one knife."

Zhou Qing took Feng Qining's broadsword, seeing the cold light shining on the broadsword, Zhou Jing's face was completely pale.

"Listen to you? I don't know how many times I've heard you say, what kind of humanity does a person who can sell his wife have?"

Zhou Qing put the knife on Zhou Jing's neck, the hatred in her eyes was overwhelming.

If it wasn't for him, her family wouldn't be like this, and she wouldn't be here now. All the things were caused by this person.

"I really didn't know about that matter. I didn't know that those people arrested my wife until I lost the money and went back. I really had no choice but to say that my brother can pay back the money for me."

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