"I don't know, then if I kill you now, I also say I don't know"

Zhou Qing pushed the knife a little deeper, and blood appeared on Zhou Jing's neck immediately, and the pain on his neck made Zhou Jing scream in fright.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"Qing'er, no matter how you say, I am your second uncle, how dare you do it? Besides, you are all fine now, it's just a little less money, no matter what I do to you, you will be fine "

Zhou Jing's words made Zhou Qing stop: "What else have you done to us?"

Zhou Jing covered his mouth. Oops, he actually slipped his mouth. His mouth is really getting more and more open. How can he say that?Isn't this clearly telling her that he has done something sorry for her? [

"Tell me quickly, what did you do to apologize to me?"

Zhou Qing's knife went a little deeper, and Zhou Jing cried out again in pain: "I said, I said"

"I originally planned to sell you, but you always stay out of the house. When I was trying to find a way, I accidentally saw you sneaking out of the house, so I sold you to those traffickers."

He actually had a part in what happened to her. If it wasn't for him, those things wouldn't have happened, and her future husband-in-law wouldn't have gone looking for her, and he wouldn't have disappeared like he is now.

"Damn you"

Zhou Qing's hand was about to squeeze hard, and Jing Sheng didn't organize her.

"Why did you stop me? I'm going to kill him"

He deserved to die, and the hatred in Zhou Qing's eyes was even stronger. She would feel sorry for herself if she didn't kill him.

"It's fine to kill him, but don't you think your parents have the right to dispose of him?"

Guess it's not them who hate him the most but his wife?

"If I can't kill him, I will beat him hard."

With the big knife, Zhou Qing smashed at Zhou Jing. Zhou Jing hid in Tibet, but he couldn't hide from Zhou Qing's knife, and he couldn't hide anywhere, because Feng Qining and the others formed a circle, and he would never escape again out of that circle.

"Kill you, I will kill you"

"Don't fight, don't fight, if you fight again, you will die"

It's good to die. It's useless for a scum like him to stay in the world. It's better to kill him.

Tired from beating, Zhou Qing finally stopped, Zhou Jing was covered with scars, his voice was hoarse and he couldn't scream anymore.

Feng Qining carried him back, and before reaching the door, she saw Zhou Tong standing at the door and looking out constantly.

"I'm finally back, I'm worried about what happened to you guys"

Seeing that they came back safely, Zhou Tong breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Zhou Tong worried about Zhou Qing, Feng Qining felt a little warm in her heart. She likes such a family. [

In ancient times, there were too few families that really loved their daughters. Even rich families raised their daughters with a purpose. There were really too few families like them who simply loved their daughters from the heart.

It is too obvious that men are superior to women at this time. In such an era, women always suffer.

"Don't worry, I went with Miss Feng. With her here, nothing will happen to me."

Zhou Qing's words of trust made Feng Qining slightly bow her head, as if embarrassed.

"Father, let's go back first"

A group of people went back, Zhou Jing saw Zhou Tong, and opened his eyes wide, he, wasn't he taken away?Why are you here?

Where did this gang come from?What is identity?From the looks of it, they seem to be Zhou Qing's friends.

She has made so many friends as a woman, isn't she afraid of other people's gossip?

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