"Come back, let's eat quickly"

Aunt Zhou had already prepared meals and waited for them. Since Zhou Tong came back, she has returned to normal. Feng Qining thinks this is a very miraculous thing. People who seemed a little abnormal have returned to normal.Fiction Rankings
Zhou Tong is indeed more effective than many psychotropic drugs.

"Mother, don't worry, I'll bring you back someone"

Following her words, Jing Sheng threw Zhou Jing in front of them. [

Seeing Zhou Jing, Zhou Qing's parents' expressions changed.

"Asshole, why are you here?"

Zhou Tong's voice changed. He picked up the wooden stick at the side. Zhou Jing opened his cloudy eyes, and saw that Zhou Tong was holding up the wooden stick.

"Brother, I was wrong, don't hit me, Qing Er has already hit me just now"

Not hitting, not killing him is considered pretty good.

"I won't beat you, do you know how many times I was beaten in the cage?"

Unexpectedly, he would have to suffer this kind of suffering when he was old, and he didn't know what it was like if he didn't let him try it.

Once again, Zhou Jing was beaten up.

"Where did you find him?"

After beating someone up, Zhou Tong finally thought of a very important question to ask. Listening to his question, Feng Qining admired him. This talent is the most powerful. No matter what it is, beat him up first. .


casino?How could the magistrate of the county send someone to arrest him?

"By the way, is it something everyone knows that the county magistrate opened a casino?"

He sent people to arrest people openly and aboveboard, who doesn't know this?

"Of course not. He sold his wife to him, and then owed him money. The officials came to arrest him. Others just thought he had committed a crime. I didn't know until I got inside."

He didn't know until he was caught in front of the county magistrate. If he hadn't met him in person, he wouldn't have known about it. The casino is not very big, and only low- and middle-level people usually go there. Who would pay attention to that?

"Why are you in the casino? After such a big incident, you actually hid in the casino. Did you show up after seeing us all dead?"

Zhou Tong pointed at Zhou Jing and scolded. Zhou Jing, who had been beaten twice, was already on the verge of death, and more gas came out than went in.

"Forget it, I don't want to ask about this matter anymore, you can handle your own affairs yourself, today I will sever brotherhood with you, and your affairs will no longer be my business" [

"Brother, what do you mean by that?"

He pretended to be dead, Feng Qining asked Murongli, Murongli shook her head, it didn't look like, it should be Zhou Tong's words that aroused the fear in his heart, which made him wake up from the coma.

It's just that such a person is really hopeless, it's better to die early and be reborn sooner.

"I said, I want to sever brotherhood with you, don't come to me again in the future, I will hit you once I see you"

Zhou Tong picked up the stick, and seeing that he could walk, Zhou Jing scrambled away.

"If you let him go like this, aren't you afraid that he will come again?"

It is already impossible for such a person to correct himself. If there is a first time, there will definitely be a second time.

"If he comes again, I'll hit him once. If I beat him too much, he won't dare to come. After all, he is my brother. Can I still kill him?"

Zhou Tong sighed, killed him, he would have no face to go down to see his parents, let him go like this, whether he lives or dies if he can't see it is none of his business.

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