"Aren't you afraid that people from the government will arrest you?"

Afraid, so what?He hid in the casino. He didn't believe that those people couldn't see it. The only reason was that those people knew that he had no money and didn't come to arrest him.
"Master, madam, the official messenger is here again"

The servant girl ran in from the outside, only she and the housekeeper hadn't left in the huge mansion, everyone knew from her appearance that there must be quite a few people coming this time.

"Hurry up and hide" [

Zhou Tong didn't flee immediately but called Feng Qining and the others to hide first.

"Don't hide, you don't have to be afraid, we will go with you"

Feng Qining waved her fan, and said indifferently, what else Zhou Tong wanted to say, the officers and soldiers had already walked in.

"You actually escaped, Zhou Tong, you are so brave."

Before they walked in, those officers and soldiers had already spoken. Listening to his words, Zhou Tong looked at Feng Qining and the others. It didn't matter if he was arrested, he was just afraid of hurting them.

"Whether you are brave or not, I don't know yet."

When Feng Qining spoke, those officials seemed to have finally seen her. She was wearing men's clothes, and the officials couldn't recognize her, but they could still recognize Murong Li and the others.

"You guys are actually here too, it just so happens, let's take them away together."

"No need, we have our own feet and can walk"

Murong Li walked out on her own initiative, she didn't need them to shout, they would follow, why bother?

"I'll go by myself, I don't need you to catch me"

Feng Qining's self-confidence gave Zhou Tong confidence, and he raised his head and followed behind them.

Sitting in the yamen, the magistrate was thinking of transferring all those debts to Zhou Tong. As for the gambling shop, no matter how hard he thought of a way, he would at most ask a few killers to kill those people, wouldn't that be all right?

What I think in my heart is always better than the reality. The ideal is full, but the reality is cruel.

When seeing Feng Qining and Zhou Tong appearing together, the magistrate opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

What, what's going on here?Why is it so funny?The magistrate guessed something, but felt it was impossible. Why did such a cruel thing happen to him?

"Master County, we meet again"

In fact, he didn't want to see her at all, Feng Qining's smile was really an eyesore in the eyes of the magistrate.

"Why are you here?" [

The magistrate guessed that they should come to collect debts, but isn't that waiting for him to come to the door?These guys don't look like people who would come in person.

"Of course we are here to collect debts? Are you only allowed to collect debts and not me?"

The magistrate wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Of course not, am I preparing for this? It will be fine soon."

Feng Qining glanced at Zhou Tong, it will be healed soon, naturally she planned to get out of him.

Zhou Tong was surprised when the county magistrate owed them money, but because of Feng Qining's words, his heart calmed down.

"Oh, you want to ask Master Zhou to pay it back. If that's the case, then there's no need, because we'll pay the money he owes for him."

"But he owes me 10 taels, yours is not enough for 10 taels"

"It's only been an hour at most, and it's less than five hours. Shouldn't they pay back what they owed him?"

Feng Qining was really disgusted by the greedy countenance of the magistrate, she turned around and left the rest to Murongli.

"Master Zhou, can you take out 10 taels for five hours?"

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