Not to mention five hours, even if you give him five days, he won't be able to get it out.
"See, it's like this now, and you'll still be like this for five hours. If you don't want to, then we'll follow your example and arrest you. If you don't pay, we'll beat you to death." "

Yichu said it very easily, listening to his words, the county magistrate shook his body, and he thought of the feeling of them strangling his neck again, these people are really ruthless in doing things, there is really nothing they do in this world not come out.

"Promise or not?"

At some point, there was an extra rope in Lancer's hand, and the magistrate closed his eyes. [

He hates that his martial arts are not as good as theirs, and he hates Zhou Tong even more. He attracted these people. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have fallen into this situation.

He better hope they stay by his side and protect him, or he won't let him go.

Perhaps sensing his gaze, Feng Qining glanced at him, the cold and stern gaze made the magistrate feel like falling into an ice cave.

"Promise, no matter what you say, I will promise"

In this way, Zhou Tong came to the yamen for a stroll and then went back.

"Miss Feng and the young masters, I really don't know how to thank you"

Thanks to their help this time, he came back safely, otherwise he might have lost his life.

"You don't have to thank me, just help us when we need it."

She didn't help them for nothing, and this favor naturally needs to be repaid.

"Naturally, if the girl needs help, just give me an order, and I'll be there for you."

With Zhou Tong's words, Feng Qining felt relieved, this person's character is not bad, if she is like Zhou Jing, it's fine if she doesn't pass the knife.

Because nothing happened, Aunt Zhou went to the kitchen to cook a table of delicious food. Feng Qining was very happy after eating these dishes.

How long has it been since she has eaten such delicious food, how long has it been since she smiled so heartily, and most importantly, the current scene makes her feel at home.

Home, what a warm word!

Seeing that everyone was eating so happily, Zhou Tong quietly pulled Zhou Qing aside.

"Father, what are you doing? Can't we say something later?"

There are still so many people here, besides, Feng Qining and the others are there, there is no guarantee that they will not hear.

"Daughter, who are they?"

That ability is as good as the sky, how did she know these people?What did she experience when she went out this time? [

"I don't know. They are not bad people anyway. I have had a lot of help from them along the way. If I hadn't bumped into them by accident, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back."

Because of this, she was very grateful to Feng Qining, even if it was just a simple action of hers, she had to do it, because she helped her, and she was able to stand here.

Along the way, she also took care of her. Even if she treated her badly and sometimes had a bad face on her, she would not blame her.

"Don't know? Didn't you ask them?"

Zhou Tong glanced at Feng Qining, he was curious, what kind of family could raise such a woman.

"I've asked, but they don't want to say, oh, Dad, don't ask any more, Miss Feng doesn't like it, so you better not know about these things."

After Zhou Qing said this, Zhou Tong didn't ask any more questions. He originally wanted to have a deep friendship, but now it seems that he doesn't want to reveal his true identity.

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