Okay, what can her eldest miss say?Even if she said that her home is in heaven, he would believe it.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"You talk a lot of nonsense, aren't you tired? Don't you save energy by saying a few words less?"

Jing Sheng's words attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes made him feel uncomfortable.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Didn't he speak out what was in their hearts?Is not it? [

"Even you have learned badly"

Yichu shook his head, and said as if sighing, while speaking, he glanced at Feng Qining, Feng Qining looked at him unrestrainedly: "Brother Yi, what do you mean by your eyes?"

If you don't tell her clearly, she will never let him go.

"It's not really interesting, you don't have to think too much"

Yi Chu was so presumptuous because he knew that Feng Qining would not do anything to him. Feng Qining would teach Lan Se a lesson but not him.

Sometimes he would envy their friendship, the kind of relationship that is really like relatives, Feng Qining's feelings for her are more like elders, although the feelings are deep, they maintain a kind of distance.

"Okay, I did think too much, Mr. Jing, you really did not learn well, but I definitely didn't teach you, you can rely on them"

"I know, I learned from them, it has nothing to do with you"

Jing Sheng is very good, Feng Qining just wanted to praise him, but unexpectedly he asked him the next question: "But who did they learn from? It seems to be from you?"

Feng Qining wanted to beat him to death with one punch, but after all, the responsibility was not on her. How did she teach them badly?They're inherently bad, aren't they?

"They are all self-taught, don't get me wrong"

What did he get wrong?He didn't misunderstand anything. No one can do these things except she can do them.

"Actually, we were all taught by her"

Zhang Kai said without fear of death.

"Can you say that again?"

Feng Qining looked at him like a shrew again, and Zhang Kai looked at her with a scared look: "Oh, I'm so scared, let me come here if you have the ability."

She was also afraid that he would fail, so Feng Qining chased after him: "Stop, don't go, and see how I teach you a lesson"

"I'm not afraid, am I still waiting for you to teach me?"

Who would stand there so foolishly waiting for her to teach her a lesson?It is estimated that only Lancer can do it. [

After running for a while, Feng Qining felt tired.

"Oh, stop making trouble, I really can't do it, it seems that I am really old"

If not, how could you not be able to bear it after running for such a short distance?

"It's getting colder as we go"

Murong Li looked around, there was fog, could it be that he was approaching the top of the mountain?It shouldn't be so fast.

"Yeah, the mist is weird"

Jing Sheng looked around, and when he got to the top, the trees were getting denser and denser. The fog seemed to come out all at once, and it was very thick all at once.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time"

Feng Qining is very optimistic, anyway, that person will not hurt her.

At first they could bear it, but after walking to the back, the temperature became very low, and Murong Li felt that she was about to freeze into ice, and her pace became slower and slower.

"Limei, how are you?"

Seeing him like that, Feng Qining was a little worried, but looking at the people around her, they were not much better than Murong Li.

"Feng, don't you feel cold?"

Why does she look like nothing is wrong?Could it be that the fog was of no use to her?

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