"I don't feel it, maybe it's like you said, I'm colder myself."

Feng Qining thought of a more reasonable explanation, and now she can only explain it this way, her body temperature is much lower than that of ordinary people, so it's normal that she doesn't feel cold now, right?

"Mother, I wonder if I will freeze to death here"

Lan Se kept rubbing his hands, his brows seemed to be covered with frost, looking at him like this, Feng Qining's eyes were filled with worry, it won't work if it goes on like this.Fiction Rankings
"I'll think of a way. If this continues, we may be frozen to death before we reach the top." [

Feng Qining was worried, the more she was worried, the more she couldn't think of a way out, there was no clothes here, could she still light a fire?

fire!A thought suddenly popped up in Feng Qining's head, didn't the inexplicable fire just come in handy at such a moment?

"Wait, let me try"

Flames appeared in the palm of Feng Qining's hand, and her hand slowly spun. The small flames gradually grew bigger, and finally turned into a fireball. The fireball flew towards the fog. Murongli and the others watched the fireball slowly Slowly devouring the fog, the fog wanted to resist and surrounded the fireball.

Murong Li looked at Feng Qining worriedly. The fog here is so thick, can she handle it?

Sweat appeared on Feng Qining's forehead, her body was like the wind, she flew towards the fireball, when she got close to the fireball, she stretched her hand in, Murongli and the others all watched this scene helplessly.

At such moments, they couldn't help, and only at such moments, he felt that he was so useless that he couldn't help at all.

Feng Qining slowly pulled out her own knife from the fireball. The fiery red knife seemed to be tempered by fire. Feng Qining waved the big knife, and the flames slowly surrounded her. Finally, she walked towards the place where the fog was heaviest. fly away.


Seeing Feng Qining's figure slowly disappearing, Murong Li was shocked and chased after her without thinking.

With a sound of "boom", Feng Qining really split the thick fog, but Feng Qining disappeared.

Murong Li and the others turned around anxiously.

Where did Feng Qining go?She went to a strange place, but this time, she didn't stay long, and slashed towards the sky without thinking.

Jin Yun felt Feng Qining's attack, covered her chest, and came here, is she still resisting?

What can resistance change?She will face these things sooner or later, which cannot be changed.

She will always have him in her heart, and she will return to him in the end.


Murong Li was anxiously looking for it, but Feng Qining unexpectedly fell from the sky.

If it was someone else, they would definitely yell in fright, but who is Feng Qining?I saw that her head was down, but she turned around at an unbelievable angle, then opened her hands, and her body slowly spun and fell. [

Everyone looked at Feng Qining like this in amazement, for some reason, there seemed to be a faint light around her.

"finally found you"

As soon as she came down, Murong Li hugged her, just now he thought he lost her again.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you"

Feng Qi Ning hugged Murong Li, every time, she always made him worry.

"Mother, how are you?"

Lancer also gathered around, although it seemed that he really shouldn't interrupt them at this time, but he was really worried about her.

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