"I'm fine, I'm fine now, but you guys, how do you feel?"

Feng Qining touched Murongli's face, and saw that she lifted Murongli's chin, but she had just reached his shoulder, this movement seemed a bit funny when she did it, and then she touched it like a hooligan. Murong Li's face. www>

Everyone sniggered beside them, and the people beside them thought that Feng Qining was planning to rape Murong Li without knowing it.

"It seems to be all right"

After Feng Qining touched it, she said something thoughtful. [

"Ning'er, you still have a solution, but where is this place? It seems to be different from the place we just went to."

Yichu looked around, although they seemed to be the same, but if you look carefully, you will find that those trees are not the same, just some miscellaneous trees, now they are all pine trees.

"Yes, it seems that the place has changed again. Did we go to an illusory space again?"

Feng Qining raised her sword, intending to strike that sky again, but Murong Li hurriedly stopped him: "Don't worry, I don't think so."

"I think this is the original place, we may have reached that illusory place just now"

Yichu seemed to understand that anyway, they would not know where they were going when they walked in this kind of place.

"Forget it, anyway, we have to walk wherever we go, we will know where we are after walking."

Jing Sheng said nonchalantly, anyway, with them, even if there is danger, it's not that dangerous, so what are you afraid of?

"You said something human again"

Feng Qining's words can no longer anger Jing Sheng, anyway, he is used to it, Lan Se can endure it, what else can't he endure?

As we walked, a rabbit slipped out from the side.

Looking at the small white figure running past them, before Feng Qining gave an order, the tiger and leopard had already jumped out, the little white rabbit forgot to even run, waiting for the tiger and leopard to open its mouth wide, and then kill it.

Feng Qining and the others watched the rabbit being killed without blinking their eyes.

"That little white rabbit is so stupid, if it were me, I would at least run away"

Lin Sheng said something as if he was sighing, and Jing Sheng said with contempt: "Run? Running is a waste of energy, it still has a little life if it doesn't run."

"Okay, it's just a little white rabbit, what's there to argue about? Let's see, where are we?"

Murong Li raised her head, and said something very truthful, the scenery on the road is all passing by, no matter how beautiful it is, it cannot be seen.

"I think it's only halfway up the mountain? If such a high mountain is so easy to climb, I'm afraid many people have already climbed it."

Lancer looked up, and he was still shocked when he thought of the scene they saw on the mountainside. The mountain was so high that it couldn't be seen at a glance. arrive? [

"I don't know how long it will take to walk like this. I think we should find a way."

Feng Qining leaned against the tree, and when they walked up, they might have no strength left.


Feng Qining stretched out her hand, and the vermilion bird in the sky immediately flew down. It was injured just now, and it hasn't recovered yet.

"How are you doing?"

Seemingly feeling Zhu Chiniao's discomfort, Feng Qining frowned, it looked listless.

"Master, I'm hurt"

Zhu Chiniao rubbed her head against Feng Qining, at this time only Feng Qining cared about it.

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