"Okay, don't rush to open your eyes when you go from a dark place to a bright place, or your eyes will easily break."

Feng Qining didn't speak, he clearly knew that she didn't need his care, why did he care about her so much?

"I know this, you don't have to care about me like this in the future, I'm not worth it"

No matter how much he cared about her, she would not repay her. Besides, she already owed enough debts, and she didn't want to owe more, she couldn't afford it.
"Whether you need it is your business, I want it is my business, you don't need to do anything, just accept it"[

Jin Yun's overbearing made Feng Qining speechless, she looked at him very seriously: "If I met you first, then I will definitely like you"

This man has the capital to make women crazy, he is above everyone in everything, I am afraid that no woman will dislike him.

"It's not too late, I've always loved you"

Jin Yun looked down at her, and Feng Qining could meet his affectionate gaze by raising her head a little.

"Why are you so persistent? I've already said that's what happened in the past. People look forward. Why don't you look forward, but why do you want to look backward?"

Feng Qining tried to convince him that no matter how much she loved him, it was all in the past. Now she doesn't love him, she doesn't feel anything about him, does he know?

"Do you dare to say that you don't have any thoughts about me?"

However, when she faced him, she still felt a little fluctuating in her heart. It was the feelings accumulated over the years, and it was impossible for her to disappear just by saying it disappeared.

To put it bluntly, she is a human being, not a god. If she says to control her emotions, she can control her emotions. The love in her previous life was so deep and unforgettable, even if there is no love, the resentment cannot be eliminated.

"Yes, I have other thoughts about you"

Feng Qining's words brought a smile to Jin Yun's face, he was about to speak, but Feng Qining's next words made him unable to laugh.

"I can't wait to strangle you to death. A man like you deserves a beating the most. Sometimes he doesn't know how to cherish it. When he can't get it, he wants to snatch it back. Do you think I'm a commodity? You If you want to grab it, you can grab it back”

After leaving such a sentence, Feng Qining turned her head and left, Jin Yun grabbed her hand, Feng Qining glared at him angrily, she just finished speaking, didn't he hear it?

"I'm telling you, you're just going the wrong way"

Feng Qining was depressed, she just came here, it's normal for her to go wrong.

"Where have we been?"

Feng Qining looked around, it seemed that this was not the bush, and the black wolf was not there.

"Where did you go in, where is the grass over there?"

Looking over with Jin Yun's fingers, Feng Qining really saw the grass, it was moved to the side, it turned out that it could be moved, he didn't say it earlier, causing her to fall into it. [

Having come here, Feng Qining naturally knew how to go back, she shook off Jin Yun's hand and walked inside by herself, only to see that when he raised his hand, the grass returned.

After going back, Feng Qining went to sleep obediently and had a good night's sleep. In the morning, she woke up from the smell of food.

Feng Qining went out, from a distance, she saw Jin Yun busy in the kitchen, looking at his appearance as a good family man, Feng Qining thought of Murong Li.

That tall man had never cooked before he met her, and he has done everything since he met her.

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