Feng Qining thought of that cake-making competition, those big men obviously couldn't make it, but they all had to go up because of her lust, and finally they all made some nondescript things. www>

A smile soon crept onto his face and then slowly froze on his face.

I don't know what happened to Li Meiren and the others. If she escapes, don't come back. If she finds a way, she will definitely escape.

Murong Li and the others returned to the boat last night without knowing what happened. Murong Li anxiously looked for Feng Qining's figure, but couldn't find her after searching. His face was full of anxiety.

He stood up and ran out, seeing him like this, Yichu quickly grabbed him: "What are you doing?" [

"I'm going to find Feng, she hasn't come back yet, she must be in danger by that person's side"

Yichu pulled him in forcefully, not allowing him to shake off his hand: "Calm down, Feng will be fine, we won't be able to escape easily now, do you still want to die?"

"What do you mean? Don't you want to keep Feng there, don't you?"

She desperately went to rescue them, so they just threw her in that wolf's den, not to mention that she was his favorite person, even if she was someone he met by chance, he couldn't sit idly by.

"I didn't mean that, she is not only the one you love, but also the one I love"

Yi Chu's words quieted the surroundings. Everyone present knew Yi Chu's love for Feng Qining, but he never said anything excessive, and even his actions were polite. Both of them strictly abide by it. etiquette.

Now that Yichu really said it, everything around him became silent.

"I'm no less anxious than you, and I hope she's okay more than you."

Murong Li looked at Yi Chu, he could doubt anyone, but he couldn't doubt Yi Chu's heart for Feng Qining, he was always very uncomfortable about this matter, but Feng Qining didn't love him, and he couldn't stop her feelings .

Could he kill him?That way I'm afraid Feng Qining won't be with him either, that person is so staunch and cares about Yichu so much.

"She rescued us with great difficulty, so that we will be safe first. Don't you want to see her escape with great difficulty and get in again because of us?"

In Yichu's words, Murongli gradually calmed down, seeing his calm expression, Yichu heaved a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, what Yi said is right. We have already escaped, so Feng will have less worries. If she finds a chance, she will definitely escape. If this is the case, let's calm down first, and then slowly think of ways to save him. "

Murong Li nodded, facing Feng Qining's matter, he was always unable to calm down, if something happened to her, he would easily go crazy.

"I want to say, can we have dinner first?"

Lin Sheng suggested weakly at the side that he only ate one meal after he went in, and never ate again after he came out, and he was so hungry that he was screaming nonstop.

"What else to eat? Didn't you see that my mother hasn't been rescued yet? You just remember to eat"

Lan Se slapped him hard, and Lin Sheng was dizzy from his palm.

"Be gentle, you can easily kill me if you hit me like this" [

He has been hungry for so long and has no strength. If he beats like this again, how can he bear it?

"It's not too much for a person like you to die. What time is it now, and you can still eat?"

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