Jing Sheng also couldn't understand Lin Sheng's appearance, it's fine for him to be timid and afraid of getting into trouble, but he actually made things worse, he really deserved it.Fiction Rankings
"I didn't say anything wrong. Since there is no danger where she is, then let's fill our stomachs first. If we have no strength, how can we save her?"

Lin Sheng felt wronged. He didn't say anything wrong, he just told the truth. It was unreasonable for them to beat him.

Lancer raised his hand and wanted to slap him again, but Zhang Kai stopped him: "Okay, don't blame him, in fact, what he said is right, now we should fill our stomachs first, otherwise we will lose our energy."

Zhang Kai looked at Yichu and Murongli, they still have the final say here, what is going to happen, they just said something. [

"All right"

Although I can't eat it, I still have to eat more or less, otherwise no matter how good my body is, I won't be able to bear it sooner or later.

There is nothing to eat here, only the fish in the river. It took a lot of effort to catch one fish. Looking at the fish in his hand, Lin Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. If he couldn't catch it again, he would starve to death.

It is impossible to grill fish on the boat, and a few people grilled it on the shore. Looking at the red flowers, Murong Li looked at the back, everyone came together when they came, why were there only a few of them when they came out? ?

"Don't think too much, it's fine"

Yi Chu patted Murong Li on the shoulder, Murong Li nodded, now he can only use this excuse to comfort himself.

"The fish is grilled, hurry up and eat"

Lan Seyang shouted loudly, and only after he finished shouting did he realize that Feng Qining was not here. He remembered being with Feng Qining. When cooking, she always found various excuses to be lazy, and then waited until it was ready to eat. She hangs around everyone when they smell the fragrance.

Every time they said they wouldn't give it to her, they didn't want to give it to her, but in the end they were still reluctant and obediently gave her the things they baked.

"Feng is not here, the taste of this fish is different"

Looking at the fish, Murong Li said something in a low voice, his tone was full of sadness, Feng Qining is a person who is not picky about what to eat, she eats whatever she has, and it is very delicious, people who have no appetite will see Watching her eat it is very delicious.

"Hurry up and eat, after we eat, we will find a way to save Feng"

Zhang Kai ate with big mouthfuls. There was a smile on his face, but no matter how happy he smiled, the worry in his eyes couldn't be hidden. Although Feng Qining was in no danger, who could guarantee that that person would not treat her what to do

From the scene just now, one can feel how deeply he is obsessed with Feng Qining. Who can guarantee that he will not overpower the king during this period of time?

The tiger and leopard came out from nowhere. Seeing the tiger and leopard, everyone looked happy. Whenever they couldn't find a way, the tiger and leopard could always think of a way, because it was familiar with that person.

"Little cat, where did you come from? Is there any news about Feng?"

The tiger and leopard lay beside Murong Li, shaking its head, but didn't see it. After they were imprisoned, it ran inside. Unexpectedly, there were so many traps inside, and it almost couldn't get out. Fortunately, it ran fast, but it didn't run fast. If not, it might die.

"You are hurt?"

Murong Li, who smelled the smell of blood, hurriedly put down the things in his hands. Just now, due to the light and lack of attention, he didn't notice the wound on its back, but now he looked carefully and found some blood on its back. [

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