Murong Li brushed its fur carefully, the tiger and leopard crawled at his feet, its eyes were full of sorrow, that pitiful expression made Yichu and the others look at each other, for so long, the tiger and leopard had only been injured once , I didn't suffer from it later.
What hurt it now?Murong Li carefully brushed the fur of the tiger and leopard aside, and soon he could see clearly that there was a knife-like wound on it, which ran across the back of the tiger and leopard, looking at the wound as thick as a bowl, Murong Li and the others gasped.

"Little cat, what the hell did you do? You made it like this?"

The tiger and leopard blinked, and a tear slipped out of that eye. It just wanted to break through the trap. It didn’t expect to fail, and a knife fell from it, and then it became like this. It took a lot of hard work to move the knife away, and it almost died of pain at that time, but later it regained a little strength and escaped.

"What did it say?"[

Lin Sheng saw that the tiger and leopard were just rubbing their heads against Murong Li's feet, and he couldn't understand what it meant. In fact, Yi Chu and Murong Li didn't understand either. The only one who could understand what it said was Feng Qining.

"Okay, don't worry about it so much, first help it stop the bleeding and bite tight"

Looking at the blood that kept flowing out, Yichu felt sad, how much blood did it bleed all the way through such a big wound.

If something happened to Hubao, Feng Qining would probably go crazy.

"There is no medicine here"

Murong Li touched his bosom, he only had a few bottles of poison left, and there was no medicine to stop the bleeding. This clever woman can't cook without rice.

"What should I do?"

The faces of Yichu and the others were also full of solemnity, should the tiger and leopard be allowed to go on like this?If it goes on like this, it will definitely die.

"What about □□? Hurry up and call □□"

Murong Li looked around, but did not see Zhu Chiniao.

"I didn't see it, I haven't seen it since I came here"

Zhang Kai is also anxious, if there is no medicine, the tiger and leopard will not be able to survive.

"I'll call it a try"

Murong Li took out the flute in her bosom, and played it like Feng Qining, the sound of the flute spread far, far, and soon, the figure of Zhu Chiniao hovered in the sky.

Zhu Chiniao was looking for Feng Qining, but it couldn't sense where Feng Qining was despite its continuous sensing. When it was looking for it, it heard the sound of the flute, so it flew over quickly.

"□□, come down quickly"

Murong Li shouted from below, Zhu Chiniao glanced around but didn't see Feng Qining's figure, he didn't want to care about it at first, but when he heard Murong Li's constant shouting from above, it thought there must be something wrong, so it flew away down.

"□□, the kitten is sick, hurry up and grab some medicine"

Murong Li stuffed a medicine list and an ingot of silver into Zhu Chiniao's mouth, and Zhu Chiniao flew away quickly when he saw the wound on the back of the tiger and leopard. [

"Remember to go to the city to catch"

At night, when the doctor was in a deep sleep, there was a sudden knock on the door. The knock on the door was so loud that no matter how familiar he was, he could hear it.

"I'm coming"

Who in the middle of the night disturbed him to sleep?Doesn't he know that it's immoral to make people sleep loudly in the middle of the night?

The shopkeeper opened the door, but there was no one outside.

"Who the hell? Knock on the door but won't come out"

The vermilion bird stood on the ground, very depressed, isn't it standing here?Why didn't he see it?

"What door are you knocking on?"

The shopkeeper didn't see anyone, and wanted to close the door cursing.

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