How could he cook at that time?He just made it casually, and for her, he just dealt with it. He thought she wouldn't eat it, but he didn't expect that she would actually finish it and drink up the soup.Fiction Rankings
"Do you remember? That big bowl of soup that day, you actually finished it, and asked me after I finished it, if there is any more?"

When she heard this question, the calm mask on his face could not be maintained, he looked at her in surprise, his eyes almost fell off his face.

"Yeah, I was very happy at that time, because you cooked for me at that time"

Feng Qining also replied with a smile on her face, no matter what, those are good memories, even if she wanted to deny it, she couldn't deny it, in fact, the soup that time was not tasty at all, but he made it so she drank it It's very fragrant. [

Hearing Feng Qining's sentimental words, the smile on Jin Yun's face was a little stiff, and after a while, he smiled again: "It doesn't matter, if you want to drink in the future, I can make it for you every day, and Now my cooking skills have been greatly improved, I hope you will be satisfied."

"no need"

She won't be here for long, she'll have to leave sooner or later.


Difficult, Jin Yun asked this sentence, in fact, he guessed what the answer was, but he was not reconciled without hearing the answer.

"Because what I want to eat most now is what Rimi made for me"

That person also said that he would cook for her all his life, as long as she wanted, he would do it.

After the cake-making conference, he said that he would practice his cooking skills after returning home, and then cook for her.

"Don't talk about him at this time, okay?"

There was danger in Jin Yun's tone. Listening to his tone, it seemed that if she continued to speak, he would be unfavorable to Li Meiren and the others. Feng Qining didn't say anything anymore. It was not her turn to be arrogant at this time, so she would naturally treat her well. the shrinking turtle.

"Okay, don't talk about these unhappy things, the soup is almost ready, you can eat soon"

Jin Yun seemed to change his face, and soon a smiling face appeared again. Looking at his appearance, Feng Qining rolled her eyes, who said that women can change their faces as quickly as turning the pages of a book?Look at him, isn't he also very fast?

“It seems to be doing okay”

Feng Qining's compliment was very helpful, Jin Yun raised her tail: "That's natural, I don't want to see who did it."

Jin Yun put the dishes on the table, and he made three dishes, one soup, one wild green vegetable and one pheasant chicken, each of which was delicious and delicious.

Feng Qining glanced at him. If she hadn't seen him bring out these dishes with her own eyes, she would really suspect that he hired someone to cook them. It's really unreasonable for a big man to be so good at cooking. No, no. When I go back, I must ask Li Meiren to learn cooking skills, so that she will have a good meal.

"Try it?"

Seeing that Feng Qining was just holding up her chopsticks and had no intention of doing anything, Jin Yun knew that she was thinking about that person again, but he didn't know what was so good about that person, it was worth her thinking about it day and night.

He doesn't know, some people can't see what's good, and they just can't let it go in their hearts, just like some people know that they are not worthy of their love, but they love him miserably. [


Feng Qining unceremoniously picked up a mushroom. She carefully looked at the mushroom on the chopsticks. It was white. After looking at it for a long time, she didn't see anything wrong, so she put it in her mouth with confidence.

That taste is really good!

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