Seeing Feng Qining eating so happily, Jin Yun was also very happy. After eating for a while, Feng Qining, who felt something was wrong, raised her head and bumped into a pair of smiling eyes.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Why do you just watch me eat? You eat too?"

Jin Yun still didn't move his chopsticks: "You eat, I'm not hungry"

She doesn't care whether he is hungry or not, it's better to starve him to death.

"You're going to lose my appetite when you watch me eat like that, and also, hasn't anyone ever told you that it's rude to stare at someone like that?"[

Feng Qining's calm face was still indifferent.Ming Qing's spring eyes stared at him awe-inspiringly.

"Feng should be used to being seen by others. If this is the case, why should you be afraid of me?"

Did he misunderstand something?

"First, I'm not afraid of you watching, I don't like you watching, and second, you are not Limei"

Li Meiren can stare at her, and she still feels very happy. If he stares at her, it will only make her lose her appetite.

Jin Yun looked at her coldly, those eyes gave people a feeling of being in the snow, Feng Qi Ning looked back, the atmosphere between the two became tense, Feng Qi Ning felt that he was going to do something when.

A strange smile like a spring flower appeared on his face, Feng Qining's eyes narrowed, she couldn't understand the smile on his face.

"Hehe, Feng is not used to it now, but he will definitely get used to it after a while."

He stared at her every day, and he couldn't believe that she couldn't adapt.

"Don't think so much, you, I'll never get used to it"

Feng Qining felt that it was difficult for him to communicate with Jin Yun. No matter what she said, he would ignore it, and then insisted on being his own. He really didn't care about other people's troubles at all.

"Okay, you'd better eat it quickly, if you don't eat it, it will be cold"

Feng Qining felt that she had to ignore his existence, as long as she was not interested in everything about him, she didn't believe that she couldn't hit him.

After finishing her meal as quickly as possible, Feng Qining stood up after she left her rice bowl, unexpectedly Jin Yun grabbed her hand.

Feng Qining threw him away, but unexpectedly he grabbed him again. After going back and forth like this two or three times, Feng Qining finally got impatient: "What are you doing?"

Does he owe a beating or a stroke?It is estimated that there are both.

"Let's do the dishes together"

Feng Qining refused without thinking: "If you want to wash it, you wash it yourself, I don't know how to wash it."

"Feng, you are still as lazy as before"

Jin Yun's words made Feng Qining tilt her head slightly, her brows were furrowed, her eyes were thoughtful, was she also lazy before?

Feng Qining recalled it, it seemed like this, in her previous life she was the eldest lady, and she had never done dishwashing work, so she generally kept a respectful distance from such work as dishwashing.

Besides, washing dishes always made her hands full of oil, she didn't like it even more.

"Where am I lazy? Since you have already cooked, why can't you wash the dishes together?"

After saying this sentence, both Feng Qining and Jin Yun were stunned, Feng Qining was annoyed, why was she so impulsive, as soon as that sentence appeared in her mind, she said it unconsciously.

"Feng, you still haven't changed"

Jin Yun's hand wanted to caress her face, but Feng Qi Ning dodged it cleverly.

"Wrong, I have changed"

Why doesn't he understand?People have many facets, even if she inadvertently shows the same appearance as before, she is not Feng Xiao after all.

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