Those pots and pans belong to him, doesn't he know that one or two are missing?Obviously, he knew.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"What was Feng looking at just now?"

Jin Yun changed the subject, if this continues, Feng Qining is very likely to get mad.

"I'm hitting you with a peach"

Feng Qining felt that her luck was very good, she was wrong, it was not her good luck but his very bad luck, her luck was famously unlucky, unexpectedly he was more unlucky than her. [

"Feng found me?"

Didn't it just hit it?Jin Yun is a little uncertain now, Feng Qining is not the same as before, he could see through it at a glance, but now he can't see through it at a glance.

She learned to hide.

"Nonsense, if I didn't find you, how could I hit you with a peach?"

If you scare him, you have to scare him. She just found him, so be afraid, be worried.

"Really? If that's the case, didn't Feng lead me here on purpose?"

Jin Yun is not stupid, Feng Qining showed her feet at the beginning, if she didn't say that at the beginning, maybe he wouldn't be able to see it.

Feng Qining's eyes rolled around, and a mysterious smile appeared on her face: "Then do you know why I brought you here?"

Her smile confused Jin Yun, in her smile, Jin Yun shook his head.

The ribbon in her hand flew out, Feng Qining hit the tree vigorously, the peaches fell one after another, some of those peaches hit Jin Yun's head, making him a little dizzy, but luckily he reacted quickly, a light appeared on his body, Keep those peaches out.

When she looked up again, Feng Qining was already sitting on the tree, she was shaking her feet like an innocent child, she was holding a peach in her hand and several more in her arms.

"How is it? How does it feel to be hit by a peach?"

This peach has so many functions, not only can it be eaten, it can save people, but it can also smash people, if only it can kill him.

"Feng, you are really cruel"

Jin Yun touched his head, there was no bleeding, but it was very painful, and it was already swelling.

"Actually, you are more cruel than you have seen"

Jin Yun had already prepared for the peach in his hand, so how could it be possible for her to hit it?His hand firmly caught the peach, but what he grabbed was the side that Feng Qining didn't bite, and the other side was uneven.

"Feng, you really miss a mouse"

Jin Yun's analogy made Feng Qi Ning unhappy: "What do you mean? I am obviously a human being, how can I look like a mouse?" [

What kind of metaphor is he, if you want to find it, you have to find a better one, like a mouse, why is it so ugly?

"Is not it?"

Jin Yun put the side she bit on and looked at the ugly bite.

"Isn't that normal? How does it look like a mouse? Did you see the mouse eating like that?"

Anyway, she refused to admit it, she admitted that ugly is a bit ugly, but he shouldn't say it so ugly, the mouse bit him, he was bitten by the mouse.

"Feng is right, I have indeed seen it"

No way, Feng Qining wanted to hit the wall, he is a young master, what is he doing watching the mice eat?

"Almost forgot, you're a pervert"

While speaking, Feng Qining threw another peach to him, Jin Yun bit it with her mouth, Feng Qi Ning blinked, the radiant eyes made Jin Yun a little distracted, just for a while, a peach fell from the sky.

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