"Boom" that peach hit Jin Yun's head accurately, Feng Qining clapped her hands happily: "That's great, it hit again."

Jin Yun wanted to be angry, but seeing her happy, he couldn't bear it, he was really eaten by her to death.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Feng, you are so naughty"

When she was talking, Jin Yun appeared beside her, seeing Jin Yun who came suddenly, Feng Qining suddenly understood that it was not that he was no match for her, but that he was just giving in to her.

Bored, Feng Qining suddenly felt bored, she stuffed the peach in her hand into his arms: "Okay, I won't play with you anymore, you can stay where you want, anyway, if you don't want to follow me, just play with me." alright"[

With a wave of her hand, Feng Qining's figure disappeared in front of Jin Yun. When she was lying on the bed, Jin Yun also came. Looking at Feng Qining, who was breathing steadily and her eyes were closed, and then looked at the peach in her hand, Jin Yun Yun went out, and after a quarter of an hour, Feng Qining, who didn't notice anything unusual, got up from the bed, that Jin Yun really didn't need to eat, and he wasn't a god, so why didn't he need to eat?

Also, it's really weird here, why are there only plants and no animals?This ecology is also unable to maintain balance?

Feng Qining thought of her previous experience. When she was in the Phantom Forest, she just entered another space. It was wrong. It should be said that in the formation method set up by Jin Yun, one formation method can arrange a place into several spaces. Space, did he set up a formation here?The more Feng Qining thinks about it, the more she feels that this is possible. Jin Yun's most powerful thing is to arrange formations.

Even the master couldn't solve the formation he arranged. This should be one of the places on the island, but he made the formation, so she couldn't get out.

No wonder the vermilion bird hadn't been found by this time, so it didn't see it.

Feng Qining looked around, but she didn't see anyone, she waved her sleeves, and the person disappeared in the room, and when she reappeared, she was already standing behind the kitchen.

She thought of the lake outside the island. There is a stream here. If you walk along the river, you should be able to find the lake. Feng Qining inserted the knife into the water, and the stream could not be seen here. Feng Qining thought it must be It was Jin Yun who covered it with mud.

Using a knife to explore the way, Feng Qining walked forward slowly. As she walked, a pair of shoes appeared in front of her eyes. When she looked up, she saw Jin Yun's eyes like searchlights.

Being discovered again, Feng Qining was annoyed, this person is really lingering, why can he find her wherever she goes?

"Feng, you are not good again"

Can't she stay here peacefully?Is the outside world so attractive to her?Make her want to go out all the time.

"I said it all, I won't stay here obediently"

Even if he tied her up, she would slip out, not to mention she would find a way to escape before he tied her up.

"You'd better stay here obediently, you can't escape"

Feng Qining didn't say anything, she tossed her hair and turned to leave.

It won't work this time, but she will continue next time, she doesn't believe it, she Feng Qining can't escape, may I ask is there anything in this world that can hinder her?Of course not.

Looking at Feng Qining's back, Jin Yun's body shook, he covered his chest, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot.

Before he fell asleep, he was seriously injured, and he implanted a spell into Feng Qining's soul, which consumed most of his mana. Before he recovered, he sensed her. On the way to bring her to this world, he didn't have enough mana. , and only then did the following things appear.

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