He brought her here, consumed some mana, then restored her memory, and finally consolidated the surroundings, which had already consumed a lot of his mana, which made him unable to wake up.Passionate picture feast
The current one is one of his gods, in order not to let Feng Qining find out, he dare not get close to her, this person is too clever, if something is wrong, he will soon find out.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Jin Yun disappeared little by little in place, like fog.

Feng Qining looked at her hand, it was so close just now, she wanted to give her a slap, but she couldn't do it, there was always a voice in her heart saying to her, don't hurt him, don't hurt him.

Feng Qining sometimes doesn't know who she really is, or who she is. [

"Really annoying"

Feng Qining scratched her hair, she couldn't beat her, scolding him would do nothing to him, so what is she going to do?

"Tell me, how can I do well?"

Feng Qining asked her heart, her heart has been divided into several pieces, but now her soul is Fengsha, if it is not for this modern soul, she thinks she would not be able to escape Jin Yun's arrangement.

He couldn't figure out that she had fallen in love with someone else after all his calculations. Feng Qining thought that she was also a person who went with the situation, because the first person she met when she came here was Murong Li, and he was the first to love her. Well, she fell in love with her, so she was devoted to him.

As long as he doesn't abandon her, she will never abandon him.

But Jin Yun couldn't live without her, a voice suddenly came from her heart, and Feng Qining's heart ached, it should be the remaining feelings from her previous life.

She frowned, it's none of her business, he has lived for so long even if he can't live, things have passed for so long, maybe his feelings for her have faded long ago, even if they haven't faded, they can't give up , he also had to give up.

There is only one her in this world, and she only needs one Limei, she can't control others, she is not a god, she can save all living beings, it would be good if she can manage herself well.

"Forget it, don't want to"

Feng Qining collapsed on the bed, and after lying down for a while, she thought of a strange place again.

Jin Yun doesn't seem to be sleeping in the next room. She went to see it quietly in the past few nights, but he is not there, but besides this place?Are there other places?

Feng Qining thought for a while, it seemed that there was no one, so where did he go?What have you been doing?

Feng Qining stood up, she boldly walked to the opposite room, and pushed open the door.

Unexpectedly, Jin Yun was lying inside, but his face was a little pale, and she didn't even notice when she opened the door.

Feng Qining didn't want to care about it at first, but seeing his pale face, she walked over. If he was really uncomfortable, maybe she could take the opportunity to escape.

With such a mentality, Feng Qining walked over gently, she was standing by the bed, Jin Yun didn't even open it, Feng Qining stretched out her hand to touch his face, it was icy cold.

"Could it be dead?"

Feng Qining put her hand under his nose, before she felt it, Jin Yun opened her eyes and grabbed her hand. [

"What does Feng want to do?"

Damn it, being cheated by him again, Feng Qining wanted to retract her hand, but Jin Yun's grip was even tighter.

"Feng doesn't sleep in the middle of the night. Could it be that she wants to share a bed with me?"

Fuck him, he thinks beautifully, he thinks she doesn't even think about it.

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