"Are you daydreaming?"

Jin Yun pointed to the outside: "It's already night now."

Feng Qining tried hard, but couldn't pull out her hand, she slapped Jin Yun's chest with a palm, a faint light appeared in the palm, Jin Yun let go of her hand in pain, his face became more transparent .
Feng Qining hurriedly ran to her room like a crime. After running back, she felt that something was wrong. Why was she running?He deserved this injury, besides, would he be so easily injured?

If he was so easy to defeat, she would have dealt with him long ago and escaped. [

Feeling something was wrong, Feng Qining walked back, unexpectedly, there was no longer Jin Yun's figure inside. Looking at the empty bed, Feng Qining's eyes flashed with a different light.

As if she really hurt him, Feng Qining looked at her hands, when did her skill become so powerful?Last time she didn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

Intuitively, she felt that Jin Yun had hidden many things from her.

"It doesn't matter, let's escape first."

He was injured, he was injured, he would not die, she would die here sooner or later if she didn't go out, Feng Qining came back to the back of the kitchen, followed the path just now, and she came under a peach tree.

"Why is it here?"

Feng Qining was surprised, before she understood what was going on, those peach trees turned around.

"Depend on"

Feng Qining swears, she's an idiot, why didn't she come here, and actually activated the formation, isn't that desperate?

Purple lights lit up around, those lights trapped Feng Qi Ning like ropes, the peach tree kept turning, and then made Feng Qi Ning dazzled.

A ray of light hit her chest directly, and Feng Qining, who was hit, spat out blood.

How powerful, Feng Qining drew out her big knife, but before she could swing it, she was hit on the back again, Feng Qining's body shook, she knew that if she didn't get out quickly, she would definitely die here.

Flicking the golden knife, Feng Qining slashed at the light that trapped her, but unexpectedly, the light rope just moved, and then continued to tighten Feng Qining without doing anything.

Feng Qining's chest was full of blood, she didn't care so much, she held the light in her palm, the golden light overshadowed the purple light, Feng Qining swung a knife across, a peach tree fell, and when the timing was right, Feng Qining flew away go out.


When she fell to the ground, Feng Qining spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Brother's formation is still so powerful, it almost killed me"

Muttering a word, Feng Qining fell to the ground, the palm just now consumed all her strength, she had no energy to walk, opened her eyes wide, Feng Qining was lying on the ground, she thought, there are no bugs here Yes, she should sleep here.

Before finishing thinking, Feng Qining closed her eyes. [

Jin Yun is practicing, he must recover quickly, otherwise he will not be able to wake up because of insufficient spells, he is worried about Feng Qining, he is afraid that she will not stay there obediently outside, if she encounters a trap or something, she may die.

But he was a little powerless, he had already neglected his cultivation these few days in order to be by her side, and now that he was injured by her again, he couldn't get out anymore.

Jin Yun tried her best to concentrate, and fell into a deep sleep without any other distractions. Feng Qi Ning fell to the ground, and she woke up the next day.

It's not that she recovered, she woke up in pain.

"It's terrible"

Feng Qining sat up with difficulty, trying to suppress the breath in her body, she felt that her body was going to explode.

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