Closing her eyes, Feng Qining began to adjust her breath. Soon, a faint golden light appeared above her head. Slowly, she began to spin. After an unknown period of time, the sun rose and set, and when it rose again , Feng Qining opened her hands, a golden light flew across her arms, and finally hit the peach tree behind her. www>

Feng Qining vomited another mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

She opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

She didn't eat anything for a day and a night, she felt that she was going to faint from hunger, she had no strength in her body, she couldn't even move, Jin Yun didn't know where to go to heal her injuries.

She thought that she was going to die here. If she really died like this, she must be full of resentment. How could she be willing to die? [

When Jin Yun came out, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he felt that Feng Qining was in danger.

Looking at the sky, Feng Qining felt a ray of light flying down from above, and her eyes narrowed.

Could she have gone to heaven?Can someone like her go to heaven?It should be almost like going to hell, right?After the light passed, a person appeared in front of her.

It was none other than Jin Yun.

How could it be him?Feng Qining was disappointed in her heart, this appearance should also be Li Meiren's appearance, why is it this person?


Seeing Feng Qining lying upright on the ground, Jin Yun's eyes were anxious, he picked her up, and Feng Qining frowned because of the strength of his hands.

"Feng, are you uncomfortable? Then let me lighten up."

Jin Yun relaxed his strength, and when he felt her pulse, Jin Yun was shocked.

With a flash of his figure, he carried Feng Qining to her room, and carefully placed Feng Qining on the bed.

"Feng, listen to me, you are injured now, and the tendons in your chest are about to be broken. I must heal you, or you will die. So, offended"

Jin Yun tore off Feng Qining's clothes, Feng Qining's eyes widened, no, no.

A black mark was imprinted on Feng Qining's chest, the blackness of her snow-white skin was particularly obvious.

A tear flowed from the corner of Feng Qining's eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, there is really no way now"

Jin Yun closed his eyes, put his hand on Feng Qining's chest, touched her skin, Jin Yun was a little distracted, and soon, he scolded himself, what time is it now, he still thinks so much , It is important to save people as soon as possible.

Severe pain came, and cold sweat flowed from Feng Qining's forehead. After suffering for a while, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she bit her lips, and her tender lips were bleeding from her bite. Finally, Feng Qining I don't know what happened.

Seeing Feng Qining lying in his arms, Jin Yun's face flushed red, he changed her clothes with trembling hands and feet, and then went out.

After going out to the door, he thought for a while, turned back, and drew a spell on her head with his hands, he handed over his hands, and put the spell into Feng Qining's mind. [

After doing all this, Jin Yun's body is already very weak, and the body that has just recovered a little is failing.

"Feng, wait for me"

After saying this, Jin Yun disappeared, and when he returned to his body, light gradually appeared on Jin Yun's body, and there were several beads spinning around him.

The beads glowed with light, and they suddenly turned when they were still, and then suddenly turned on like a lamp, and the light shone on Jin Yun who was lying down.

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