"There are no more imports here"

Standing at the place where they originally entered, Murong Li and the others looked at the land that was not at all strange, their brows frowned, God didn't want to play with them like this, they came in from here before, and there is no entrance now. www>

Could it be that their previous experience was a dream, but if it was a dream, then why didn't Feng Qining come back?

"I think that person sealed the hole, let's try to see if we can open it."

Yichu stood still, they could be sure that they entered here at the beginning, even if that person sealed it, it wouldn't be very tight, there are so many of them here, I don't believe they can't open this place. [

Everyone picked up their knives and slashed at the ground, only to be bounced back by a force.

"No, this power is too strong"

Lancer clutched his chest and stood up. That man's spell was so powerful, they were just martial arts practitioners, and they couldn't break it at all.

"Then if this passage cannot be opened, we will have no other passage to enter."

Murong Li stood up and stabbed with the sword again, this time his sword was sucked in, and then his body was bounced away heavily again.

The tiger and leopard wandered around him, seeming to have something to say to him, but no one here could understand what it said.

Yichu helped Murongli up: "Don't worry, let's think of another way, the kitten should have the same idea."

Tiger and Leopard nodded. Fortunately, there was another person who got it right. All of them together are no match for that person. Besides, they don’t know spells. If they could, there might be some hope. Now they don’t Yes, how can there be hope?

Therefore, the only way is, if this entrance does not work, they have found another one.

"I also think that we can only try that method. This entrance doesn't work. We can only find another entrance. Anyway, he always wants to leave an entrance. I don't believe it. There are so many of us who can't find it."

Murong Li nodded, now he can only use that method, he must not be reckless, otherwise, as Yi Chu said, Feng Qining managed to rescue them, if they get in again, it will not be a waste of her Did you make up your mind?

When Feng Qining woke up, Jin Yun hadn't come back yet, her memory was a bit fuzzy, she couldn't remember so much for a while, she just felt pain and hunger.

She wanted to move, but she only moved a little, and her whole body hurt, which made her dare not move anymore.

"What's wrong with me?"

Feng Qining tried to raise her hand, but to her surprise, her hand seemed to be as heavy as a thousand pieces of gold. She couldn't lift it up, and her head was in a mess. Forced to do so, Feng Qining closed her eyes again.

When she opened it again, she remembered a little bit, she accidentally ran into the formation set up by Jin Yun, then fell into it, then got injured and passed out, and then...

Feng Qining tried hard to think, but couldn't remember.

Then, she lay here.

It should be Jin Yun who saved her, but where is he now? She remembered that he was injured by her, but now he saved her. I didn't push myself too hard. [

The only thing she couldn't accept was his request.

She didn't have to be an enemy with him, nor did she have to fight against him, but he wanted to lock her here, which made her unacceptable.

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