Tigers and leopards can swim, so jumping into the lake will not drown them.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"If you want me to say, if it wants to die, it will hit the wall or bury itself alive"

Hearing what the two of them said, the tiger and leopard almost wanted to growl, but its head was still in the water, and the smell couldn't be washed away no matter how much it rushed, it choked it so much that it wanted to bite.

No wonder the owner said that being choked is very annoying and uncomfortable. It didn't believe it at first, but now it completely believes it.

Anyone can lie to it, and the owner will never lie to it. [

"Then what is it doing? Taking a bath?"

Murong Li looked at the sky, it's autumn, the weather is a bit cold, and they are in the middle of the lake, it's already a bit cold, isn't it afraid of the cold when it jumps into the lake like this?

"Probably so, well, we don't care about it, let's find Feng quickly, if she knows what we found for her, she will be very happy."

Murong Li and Zhang Kai ignored Tiger Leopard, while Jing Sheng and Lin Sheng went out to find the entrance.

Yichu and Lanse were coming out from inside, Murongli and Zhang Kai were about to come in, the four of them almost bumped into each other.

"Murong, why did you appear so quietly? I thought it was the enemy, and I almost made a move."

Can you blame him?They appeared suddenly, and he almost wanted to do it.

"Yes, Murong, you have come here in such a hurry, what happened?"

Yi Chu also looked outside, Murong Li really wanted to kick the two of them away, so couldn't they say something nice?The net is to say some bad words.

"I found something new to eat, and finally I don't have to eat fish"

Murong Li shook the two strings of mushrooms in his hand, seeing the mushrooms, Lancer's saliva almost flowed down.

"Murong, where did you find it?"

It's been a long time since I've seen anything other than fish, and he felt the same as Feng Qining. He felt like throwing up when he saw the fish, and he swore that he would never eat fish again after going out, it's so damn unpalatable.

"Okay, let's go in and talk"

Feng Qining was also very happy to hear that there was no need to eat fish anymore. After sending Yichu and Lancer out to make a fire, Feng Qining pretended to be casual and asked: "Li Meiren, where did you find these mushrooms?"

"Where did I find it, I picked it myself"

Originally, he didn't expect to find these, but unexpectedly, while walking, his foot stepped on one, so he slowly searched under those tree roots, and finally found these few.

Feng Qining breathed a sigh of relief, she was most likely sent by that person, he let them go this time for no reason, Feng Qining guessed that he was injured, if not, how could he let them go so easily ?

"Feng, what are you thinking?"

Murong Li's hand dangled in front of Feng Qining's eyes, Feng Qining came back to her senses.

"Oh, I didn't think about anything, I just wondered where Jin Yun went"

"Don't worry, we'll be out of here soon"

Feng Qining nodded, and then leaned into his arms.

After recovering from the injury for half a month, Feng Qining was able to get out of bed and walk around. Murong Li said that because her injury was serious, she had to rest for a longer period of time, otherwise her tendons would break and she would easily die.

During this period of time, Murong Li and the others also found an entrance, but Feng Qining was still not well, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

"Li Meiren, did you hear my piano last time?"

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