Last time she used spells to hear the sound of the piano, so they probably heard it, but she couldn't hear anything, and Murong Li didn't mention it, which made her uncertain. www>

"I heard, I heard it last time, but I can't tell where it came from. What's even more strange is that I seem to be the only one who heard the sound of the piano, and no one else heard it"

so weird?Feng Qi Ning stroked her hair with her hands, thinking, could it be that the formation also has the function of dispersing sound?

"Okay, don't think about it if you don't understand. Didn't you come out? As long as we are together, there is nothing to be afraid of"

Murong Li put her head on Feng Qining's, and Feng Qi Ning leaned into his arms. This embrace was exclusive to her. With him, she could be like an ordinary woman. [

She doesn't need to know the big picture, she doesn't need to be strong, she can be willful, coquettish, and tired.

"Wow, mother, it's still daytime, it's not good for you to hug like this"

Lan Se ran in from the outside and yelled before entering the door. Seeing him like this, Murong Li hugged Feng Qining even tighter.

"This is my wife, there's nothing wrong with me hugging her. If you want, you can marry her too."

Lancer put the basin on the table, turned around, and looked at them angrily: "Do you think I have no one to love? As long as I want to, I can marry as many as I want?"

"You still want to marry a lot of sons. I'm warning you. If you have troubles in the future, don't come to me. I won't help you deal with these trivial matters."

Three women in one drama, as long as they marry a few more, it is estimated that there will be excitement around him.

"Mother, I'll just say it casually, you don't have to take it too seriously, besides, I don't have it yet."

Marry a few more, now he doesn't want to marry any of them, the matter of marriage, it's up to God to arrange, maybe he will meet a woman he wants to marry in the future.

"Smells good, son, what did you bring?"

With food, Feng Qining decisively abandoned Murong Li, now it's only important to eat, other things are trivial.

"It's mushroom soup. Mother is hungry, so I'll bring it over quickly. Mother, try it and see how it tastes?"

Feng Qining stopped holding the spoon: "Son, you must have done it, right?"

This Lancer's culinary skills are as good as hers, to be exact, on par with hers. If she can't eat the food, he can't do it either.

"I made it, mother, try it quickly and see how it tastes?"

Feng Qining really wanted to drop the spoon and leave, but Lan Se's expectant expression made her unable to say what she wanted to say.

Murong Li suddenly snatched Feng Qining's spoon, and took a sip of the soup before she was about to speak.

“Good taste and just the right temperature”

Murong Li put the spoon in Feng Qi Ning's hand again. [

"Murong, you, I obviously made this for my mother, why are you joining in the fun?"

Lan Se was a little unhappy and said that Feng Qining hadn't tasted it yet, so he let him try it first.

Lan Se couldn't figure it out for a while, but Feng Qining did understand, Murong Li just saw through her hesitation, he tried it first to make sure it wasn't something unpalatable, so he let her eat it.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'll eat right away"

Feng Qining took a sip of the soup and put it in her mouth, because she drank it so fast that she forgot that the soup was still hot.

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