"cough cough"

Feng Qining, who was scalded, spit out the hot water she just drank. Lin Sheng came in just now, before he saw what happened, the rain fell from his head.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
Feng Qining didn't care about being hot, and looked at him in shock. Murong Li and Lan Se also forgot to shout for a while, and the three of them looked at Lin Sheng blankly as if they were frozen.

Lin Sheng reached out his hand to touch the water on his face, and felt something was wrong because it was oily, so he stretched out his mouth to lick it.

"Salty taste" [

Lan Se and Murong Li couldn't help bursting out laughing at Lin Sheng's idiot-like demeanor.

Feng Qining looked at him very seriously, she was thinking, should she tell him that she sprayed it from her mouth?She was afraid that he would not be able to bear this cruel fact.

"What are you laughing at?"

Lin Sheng didn't understand what the expressions of these three people were. Soon, he realized something was wrong: "Isn't it raining?"

Feng Qining couldn't stand Lin Sheng's passionate expression: "Then, sir, you are in the house now, even if it rains, you won't be able to get wet, right?"

"Sir? I'm not sir, isn't this room leaking?"

Lin Sheng looked up, and Lan Se ran over and raised his hand, but seeing his dirty head, he couldn't put his hand down.

"Leak your head, it's good, where is the rain?"

It wasn't rain, Lin Sheng looked at the oily water on his hands, with a confused expression on his face: "If it wasn't rain, then why is there water on my head?"

Finally got to the point, Murong Li and Feng Qi Ning looked at each other, should they tell him or not?

While the two of them were still hesitating, Lancer couldn't wait to tell him: "That, my mother accidentally sprayed it out of her mouth just now."

Before Lan Se finished speaking, Lin Sheng had already snatched the door away, and soon, Feng Qining and the others heard the sound of vomiting.

"What's the matter with him? Why is he vomiting so much?"

Jing Sheng came in from the outside, they just went out for a walk to see if they could get in, but unexpectedly it was in vain.

"It's okay, I guess it's a bad stomach."

Feng Qining replied indifferently, having learned the lesson from last time, she chewed slowly, Jing Sheng looked at Feng Qining who was eating, and then looked outside the house.

"He ate something bad, why do you still want to eat it?"

Aren't they suffering from the same thing?

"My resistance is stronger, his is weaker"[

Feng Qining greeted Lan Se and Murong Li: "Come on, don't stand still, hurry up and taste it, son, you worked so hard for this."

After the division, there were only a few residues left in Jingsheng.

"Forget it, it's good to have something to drink now"

Jing Sheng took the bowl from Feng Qining's hand, and when they had just finished drinking, Lin Sheng ran in from the outside, and all the bile he vomited came out.

"you, you"

Lin Sheng pointed at them with trembling fingers. They really went too far. He was still vomiting over there. What about them?

"There is one more thing left for you"

Jing Sheng took a bowl, Lin Sheng walked over happily, and saw something black in the bowl, and then there was a little residue on the side of the bowl, even the water was gone, what, what did this make him eat?

"As for him, the most important thing is to tell you that you are late, so there is no scum left."

Lin Sheng wanted to vomit blood, why is his life so sad.

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