"Seeing that you are here happily, what are you talking about?"

Yichu came in from the outside, and he heard laughter from far away, so he hurried over, seeing everyone here, he felt a sense of happiness, these days, without Feng Quning, happiness seems to be Much less.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
As soon as she came back, everyone seemed to be happy again.

"Brother Yi, you're back, come, I'll leave it to you"

As if conjuring, Feng Qining took out a bowl of soup from behind. Lin Sheng looked at the bowl in his hand, and then at the bowl in Feng Qining's hand. Will it be so big? [

"Why is his bowl so big? What about mine? Not even scum?"

Jing Sheng took his bowl and took out the dregs from the bottom of the bowl: "Why not? Isn't this dregs?"

Lan Se and Murong Li turned around, Feng Qi Ning's smile was as eye-catching as a summer flower, shining brightly under the refraction of the sun.

Seeing her smile, Yichu lost his mind for a moment. As time went by, Feng Qining became more charming when she didn't see her old age. Only when facing her closest people, will she become approachable, and she will treat everyone with a smile, but that smile is like a vacuum, and no one can enter except for specific people.

"Ning'er, you specially left this for me."

Feng Qining nodded: "Of course, I saw that you didn't come back, so I specially reserved some for you."

Not just a little bit, she left most of the bowl to him, Murong Li felt a little sour.

"By the way, Mr. Jing, I heard that you found the entrance, where is it?"

Anyway, her injury is almost healed, and she can go in. Jin Yun hasn't appeared in this period of time, and she can't feel whether he is by her side, but leaving quickly is the kingly way.

Who knows when he will kill him?

"Don't worry, you just came down today, and it won't be too late to rest for two more days"

Murong Li was afraid that Feng Qining would rush over if she was impulsive, so she hurriedly tried to persuade her.

Everyone couldn't help rubbing the goosebumps that were about to fall off their bodies, and Yichu couldn't help but jumped out first: "I said that the two of you really eat meat and numbness for food, don't you think that's fun?"

Yeah, they just thought it was fun.

"Feng, let's go out for a stroll, I think someone is jealous"

Feng Qining smiled, her face was still a little pale, and she looked extremely weak, who would have thought that it was this windy woman who held up a world.

Because they couldn't understand so many Bianhua flowers, Yichu and the others cut them down when they had time. Many of them have been wiped out during this period of time. Of course, they only wiped out some of the most side ones. If they are deeper, they will not be able to get in. .

Feng Qining and Murong Li walked on the shore. Due to long-term erosion, there is a place similar to a beach.

"Limei, are you afraid that you will go back and face a country that doesn't belong to you?"

He disappeared for so long, who knows if his country will be in chaos, and the things they faced when they first went out may have caught them off guard.

What Feng Qining is most afraid of is that he will lose everything.

He should have sat on a high place to be admired by others, and he should have held the beautiful rivers and mountains in his hands.

"If it doesn't belong, it doesn't belong. If it falls into the hands of a wise king, we can just live as we please"

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