Grabbing Feng Qining's hand, Murong Li felt a little at ease, but just holding Feng Qining's hand, there was worry in his eyes. www>

"Feng, you are hurt"

It's not doubt but affirmation, and it's still hard to bear, but now I can't see my fingers, I can't see at all.

"I'm fine, you must be injured too, let's go out quickly"

Feng Qining had no idea where she had come, it was so dark, there was nothing she could do. [

Lan Se and Zhang Kai kept groping, but they didn't know where they found it. Feng Qining's ears moved, she let go of Yi Chu, opened her hand, a burst of golden light flashed, and before everyone could react, they heard a sound .

Feng Qining shook her body, but the golden light on her body reminded her that she could still illuminate.

She stretched out her finger, her index finger and middle finger merged, and her dantian exerted force, and a fire appeared on her finger. In the fire light, Feng Qining's face was a little pale.

The people around were all injured to varying degrees, the formation just now was no joke, the rain of gold, no matter how good the martial arts were, would still get hurt, looking at the tattered clothes on their bodies, Feng Qi Ning narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Let's go quickly, it's not suitable to stay here for long"

Looking at Feng Qining's pale face, Murong Li was a little worried: "Feng, how are you?"


Feng Qining signaled him not to worry, Zhu Chiniao flew from nowhere, it landed on Feng Qining's shoulder, and the aisle suddenly became brighter.

"□□, why are you here at this hour?"

Feng Qining asked softly, her weak look made everyone feel distressed, her injury is still not healed, so desperate.

Zhu Chiniao rubbed its head against Feng Qining's neck, they disappeared all of a sudden just now, it couldn't sense them, it couldn't find them when flying around outside, only felt it after coming out, don't hurry up Are you here?

Zhu Chiniao came, and suddenly there was a light source, Feng Qining and the others breathed a sigh of relief, feeling Feng Qining's weak breath, Zhu Chiniao was a little worried.

"Don't worry, I'm fine"

Feng Qining patted Zhu Chiniao's head, and the tiger and leopard also came to her feet, the two of them were really useless, they couldn't protect their master.

"Let's go quickly"

Murong Li supported Feng Qining, seeing her weak appearance, as if she would collapse in a second, he didn't know that she was holding on.

The place where they are now is a passage, both sides are dark, and a gust of wind blows from time to time, as if there is a feeling of being in hell.

The red light on Zhu Chiniao's body made Feng Qining feel like a Manzhushahua, and now she feels like she is walking on the road to hell.

"Do you feel that it's a bit cold here?" [

Lin Sheng flinched and asked, he felt that he should talk in such a place, otherwise, if he just walked forward, his heart could not help being afraid.

"I didn't feel it at first, but after what you said, I feel a little bit."

How can this blame him?It was like this, Lin Sheng gave Lan Se a reproachful look.

"Don't look at me like that, it's easy to be misunderstood"

Lan Se's words made Feng Qining laugh "hehe", and even Murongli and the others twitched their lips.

"Son, maybe someone really has a crush on you. Look, you look like a pretty boy."

Feng Qining pinched Lan Se's face, suddenly she had a long-lost feeling, as if she hadn't had such a thing for a long time.

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