Lan Se was also taken aback, he didn't say anything and let Feng Qining ruin his face.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Mother, your hands are cold."

After a while, Lan Se seemed to be unbearable to be ravaged by Feng Qining, and Murong Li grabbed Feng Qining's hand back: "Okay, Feng, I will be jealous if you are so greedy for his beauty."

Murong Li's words made Feng Qining's face flush red, but layers of blush appeared on her pale face, like a newly opened peach or plum, Murong Li's heart fluttered when she saw it.

"Okay, if you want to talk about love, you have to go outside."

Yichu reminded the intoxicated two people that he really admired them a little bit, and he didn’t even look at the place where they could still talk about love. Are they not worried at all, or do they feel that this place poses no threat to them at all? Woolen cloth?

Feng Qining grabbed Murongli and walked two steps faster, unexpectedly she was dizzy for a while, and Murongli quickly supported her.

"Feng, what's the matter with you?"

Murong Li's fingertips trembled, her heart almost stopped beating, and Feng Qi Ning's breath became weaker and weaker, it was impossible to continue like this.

"It's okay, let's go out now"

Seeing the bright light ahead, Feng Qining's eyes were filled with surprise, this dark road seemed to come to an end.

It's just that they were too happy too early, Feng Qining could feel the gloomy atmosphere getting heavier before they reached the bright place.

"Let's rest here"

Feng Qining suggested that there might be bigger troubles waiting for them ahead, it might be safer to hide in the dark.

Murong Li nodded, he felt that Feng Qining's breath seemed to be weaker.

"Feng, you sit down, I'll help you heal"

Feng Qining shook her head, she recovered the memory of her previous life, and even inherited the spells from her previous life, probably due to the effect of Jin Yun's spell, and the internal power of Murongli's gang had no effect at all.

Her spells were exhausted, but her primordial spirit was still there, just a little weak, and nothing happened.

"It's okay, it's just that we may have bigger troubles later"

Feng Qining said softly, she spoke in a very low voice, if you don't listen carefully, you won't hear it at all.

"Don't be afraid of trouble, just take a rest first and don't talk anymore"

What he is most afraid of is that she is gone. As long as she is there, they can survive no matter how difficult they are. What he fears most is that something will happen to her.

"Feng, listen to me, don't talk now, take care of your wounds, we will watch over you, okay?"

Feng Qining shook her head, she was very afraid that she would sleep for a few days as she did a few times before, and when she regained her memory, she remembered all the things she couldn't remember before. [

The deep sleep at that time is probably because she used the spell of the soul of the previous life, and her memory has not yet recovered. After using it, Jin Yun erased her memory, and then fell into a deep sleep, but now her spell is exhausted, and she is seriously injured.

"Li Meiren, listen to me first, if you can't get out at the back, take me as a hostage and bring Jin Yun out, he won't do anything to me, you go out first, you know?"

Feng Qining's face was pale, with blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, her breath was getting weaker and weaker, she could feel that her physical strength was disappearing in her body.

Last time, she forcibly used the immature phoenix technique, which left sequelae. This time, she forcibly broke the golden formation. Her spells have not yet integrated with the current body, and some of them still resist her.

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