Feng Qining yelled to the dark place, Jin Yun watched from the dark place, seeing Feng Qining weeping made his heart ache, but he also knew that those people were her weakness, if he wanted to get back to him, he had to take Those people were stabbed.
"Come out, I'll go back with you, I'll go back with you"

Feng Qi Ning hugged Murong Li and shed tears, as proud as she was, at such a moment, she also shed tears of pain, it turns out that tears are not enough to express the heartache.

"Feng, I finally waited for your words."

Jin Yun appeared next to Feng Qining, Murong Li opened his eyes, and he hugged Feng Qining with difficulty. [

"Feng, no, don't"

He didn't want her to go back with him, he didn't want her to sacrifice for him, he knew that if she was the only one, it would be fine for her to escape.

"No, Rimei, don't worry, I will definitely rescue you."

Feng Qining put Murong Li down, she looked at Jin Yun with calm eyes: "The antidote"

"It's okay to ask for an antidote, but you have to promise that you will not escape again in the future"

Jin Yun said in her ear, his hand gently hugged her, Feng Qining couldn't figure out why he had such a high attachment to her, she couldn't figure it out until now, shouldn't it be fulfilled to love someone?On the contrary, his love is unscrupulous.

"Okay, I promise"

Feng Qining replied mechanically, Jin Yun's palm brushed against them, and then exerted force on her palm, after the light passed, Murong Li and the others were no longer there.

"Okay, let's go"

Jin Yun held Feng Qining's hand, and in the blink of an eye, Feng Qining appeared in the beautiful place before, but there was also a hut there, a long road with maple trees, and the road was covered with thick maple leaves , When you step on it, you can't hear the sound.

"In the future, I want to live with you in a place full of trees, so that in autumn, the sky will be full of fallen leaves. Why, don't you like it? It doesn't matter, as long as you like it, I like it"

A picture appeared in front of Feng Qining, beside the woods, the woman was holding the man's hand, and said happily, that was the appearance of her and Jin Yun traveling together, Feng Xiao was like a little girl who just came out of the mountain.

Every time I see a beautiful scenery, I fantasize about it, and my favorite is such a red color.

"How? Do you like it?"

Seeing Feng Qining's appearance, Jin Yun knew to step forward, and Feng Qining also looked at him: "If it was Feng Xiao, I would definitely like it, but I am not"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked forward in silence. Jin Yun grabbed her and said, "You are her, how long are you going to escape?"

escape?Did he think so of her?Right, maybe she was really running away, no matter what he did to her, she couldn't deny that he loved Feng Xiao's heart.

"Jin Yun..."

"Jin, call me Jin" [

Feng Qining took a deep breath, resisting the urge to hit him.

"Well, Jin, you always think that I am Feng Xiao, but I really am not. You know everything about Feng Xiao, do you understand me? Do you know what kind of person I am?"

What she hates most, Feng Qining, is when others threaten her. He'd better pray that she will never have a bright future, otherwise she will definitely come back in the future.

"It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, the important thing is that I love you, isn't it?"

It's because he's a big-headed ghost. He always puts his hobbies on her. Does he think she's a baby?

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