She is a human being, and as a human being, she has thoughts and ideas.look
"You are always so domineering. I don't understand why Feng Xiao fell in love with you. Do you know what I need? You always give me what you think is good, but is that really what I want?"

Feng Qi Ning asked in a voice, Jin Yun looked at her a little strangely, this kind of Feng Qi Ning was really strange to him, the former Feng Xiao never objected to his arrangement, he did whatever he said, whether it was good or bad. No, she never said a word.

"In the past, Feng Xiao loved you, because she loved you, so she tolerated everything about you, but you hurt her like that in the end, she let go, but you insisted on forcing it"

Who can blame all this?You can only blame him for not cherishing, if he can cherish, maybe he and she can be very happy, Feng Xiao loves him like that, loves him without any impurities. [

"What's so good about that person? It can make you fall in love with me so desperately. Why, why can't you fall in love with me again?"

Is it really too late?It's just a little late, isn't there really any change?

"Why? Then tell me, why are you so obsessed with me? Why can't you fall in love with others?"

Love, there are not so many reasons, maybe at the beginning, she felt that Murong Li seemed good, like it, it seems that it is not a bad thing, then later, his protection, his persistence, and his devotion made her whole hearted. Hand it over little by little.

"The heart that is released is not something that can be taken away. My heart has long been on Li Meiren, and no matter what happens, it can't be changed."

What Feng Qining said was very resolute, her whole body lit up because of her words, her face was very pale, her frail body seemed to be able to fall if the wind blows, but her determination was also very firm, as if no one could shake her .

Jin Yun clenched his hand tightly, refusing to give up, right?Sooner or later, he will let her give up and stay by his side obediently.

This time it was not a bamboo house but a wooden house, and various flowers and plants were planted around the wooden house. Looking at all this, Feng Qining's face was very calm, but there were many fluctuations in her heart.

Feng Xiao's emotions still have an impact on her. The strong love in her previous life cannot be restrained just by saying restraint.

Now she is not only Feng Sha, but also Feng Qining and Feng Xiao. The personalities of these three people also have an influence on her.

Now Jin Yun doesn't ask her if she likes it or not. Anyway, if he asks now, he will hit the wall, so why should he make fun of himself?

"You are weak now and need to recuperate"

Jin Yun picked her up, Feng Qining didn't struggle, and she didn't have time to struggle now, if she was not forced, how could she go that way?I don't know what happened to Li Meiren and the others.

"Don't worry about them, I've already let them go, which means I won't embarrass them"

In fact, he really wanted to embarrass them. At that moment, he had already planned to kill them. If he hadn't thought that if Feng Qining knew about killing them, he would definitely have killed them. and killed them.

Feng Qining's heart is at ease, Jin Yun is a person who disdains to lie, speaking of it, he is very similar to her in this respect, the two of them have the same staunch temperament, the same unwillingness to admit defeat, and the same unscrupulous methods.

Two people who are so similar are like two fires, burning more and more vigorously, how can they merge?

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