Jin Yun put Feng Qining on the chest, and put his hand on Feng Qining's heart.Fiction Rankings
"What are you doing?"

Feng Qining looked at him coldly, did this person want to take advantage of her again?

again?Feng Qining was puzzled by her use of this word, why did she use this word?Did he take advantage of her before?

Feng Qining tried hard to recall, but no matter how much she thought, she couldn't think of it. [

"I just want to help you heal, and I won't do anything to you"

For Feng Qining's precautions, Jin Yun was a little sad, he said that he would not take advantage of others' danger, could it be that she couldn't trust him that much?Last time, he had no choice but to erase her memory afterwards, just for fear that she would remember it.

The current Feng Qi Ning is not the Feng Xiao of the past, if she knew what he did to her, maybe she would fight for her.

Jin Yun's hand was placed on her heart, and soon, Feng Qining felt a warm feeling, and then she felt sleepy, watching Feng Qi Ning fell asleep, Jin Yun sat on her bed Beside the bed, his fingers traced her face.

Only at this time did he feel that he was very close to her.

"Feng, I'm late, but you're still back, aren't you? Even if you become someone else's wife, I won't care."

The sleeping Feng Qining couldn't hear Jin Yun's words at all, Jin Yun pressed a kiss on Feng Qining's forehead, and then disappeared into the room.

This place has been covered by his formation, and no group of people can get in. During Feng Qining's deep sleep, he can practice well. Maybe when she wakes up, he can wake up too. .

As long as he can wake up, he will take her out of here.

Jin Yun thought very well, but it's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, and there are always some unexpected accidents in life, Feng Qining has a lot of accidents.

The next day, Feng Qining woke up, it was noon, she felt very hungry, when she went in, she only ate a little food, and later consumed a lot of physical strength, saying that she was not hungry would be a lie, she They all felt like they were going to starve to death.

"Where is this place?"

Feng Qining couldn't react to the strange scene she saw when she opened her eyes. After thinking for a while, she finally remembered that this is the room that Jin Yun brought her here.

When she got up, she saw that the clothes on her body had not been changed, and she felt a piece of different material by her hand. Feng Qining lowered her head, and it turned out that there was a set of clothes beside her bed.

The green dress was just like the one she remembered, Feng Qining looked at her clothes, they were dirty, with blood stains on them, she didn't know if it was hers or Li Meiren's and the others'.

Putting down her clothes, Feng Qining went out, she found that the room opposite her was a hot spring, she never thought that Jin Yun was so careful, even this was prepared.

Feng Qining looked at her clothes, then at the alluring hot spring, and then looked around, Jin Yun didn't know where she went, she wasn't here.

"Never mind, let's take a shower first."

Untiing her clothes, Feng Qining stepped into the hot spring, she hadn't had a good bath for a long time, Feng Qining decided to take a full bath, but before soaking for a long time, her stomach started to get hungry. [

"It looks like I'm hungry"

Feng Qining hesitated, she could stretch her tendons in the hot spring, she felt very comfortable in the hot spring, but no matter how comfortable she was, she would feel uncomfortable even if she was hungry.

She should just wash it off.

After washing it, Feng Qining suddenly realized that she forgot to bring her clothes.

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