"If you could have said earlier, maybe we wouldn't be like this"

"It's not too late now"

Jin Yun grabbed her hand, Feng Qining shook it off: "It's too late, Feng Xiao is dead, she died a long time ago"

Why he still can't see clearly, now she is not Feng Xiao, she is Feng Qining, if he can see his heart earlier, if the following things don't happen, then he and her will be a pair of enviable gods couple.Passionate picture feast
"No, you're not dead, aren't you standing here now? Why can't you just look at yourself?" [

Jin Yun is a bit crazy, these days, even though she is by his side, he can't feel her heart, she always treats him indifferently, or just turn a blind eye, she is obviously by his side, why did he grab her Can't stop.

The sense of powerlessness during this period tortured Jin Yun every day, and the strong feelings had to be suppressed in his heart.

Now that Feng Qining just let him have a gap, he vented his deep feelings in his heart at once.

"But I'm not, do you know what I've been through before? Do you know what I was doing before I came here?"

Feng Qining blinked, and the dark aura in her eyes permeated her. The dark aura around her made her feel like she had just come out of hell. Jin Yun had seen Feng Qining like this for a long time.

He didn't know what she had experienced before coming here, so that the innocent and romantic atmosphere in her was gone, leaving only endless darkness and chill.

Feng Qining like this has never been seen in her previous life.

"I am a murderer, do you know? There are countless people who died in my hands. As long as I am not happy, I may kill them with one knife."

The tone was very gentle, as gentle as a spring breeze, but this spring breeze carried the coldness of winter, her eyes were deep, as quiet and bottomless as a deep pool of thousands of years.


Jin Yunfang stretched out her hand, Feng Qining backed away, she put away the big knife on her body: "No need to say anything, I have no other intentions, just remember, I am not Feng Xiao, I am Feng Qining, That's good, and you should ask yourself, do you really love Fengxiao, or do you just have an obsession?"

Are you attached because you can’t get it?Jin Yun smiled, but his eyes were full of sadness. He had asked himself this question tens of thousands of times, and the answer was the same every time.

If it wasn't love, why was he so sad when she died?The pain was a hundred times more painful than others scratching his flesh with a knife.

If not love, why did his heart stop beating when she died?

That woman as bright as a spring flower, in her best time, was by his side without complaint or regret. In the end, because of his misunderstanding and ignorance, she died.

At the moment she fell down, his breathing also stagnated. At that moment, he felt that his sky had collapsed. From then on, there was no color in his sky, and only darkness and longing remained.

If it wasn't for the fact that she would come back, he would not be able to survive these 100 years.

Feng Qining stood under the tree, which was an acacia tree, and Jin Yun stood behind her, looking at her back. During this period of time, what he saw most was her back.

Acacia tree, Feng Qining raised her head, Li beauty, I don't know if you know, she is missing him, and she doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. [

"Feng, if I say, I am not obsessed with you..."

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