Jin Yun didn't say the latter words, but he knew, Feng Qining must know, Feng Qining stood with her back to him, her hair was gently swaying in the wind, her white hair and green dress, and her thin back made her People have an illusion that she will be blown away by the wind in a second. www>

"lets change a topic"

Feng Qining has already given up, this person, no matter what he says, he will never give up, he will only go back to the original place after going around, she should find a way to escape.

When Murong Li and the others woke up, they found themselves in a stone room with a forest outside. He thought for a while, and finally remembered what was going on.

In the end it was Jin Yun who rescued them, but Feng Qining wanted to leave with him. Murong Li sat on the ground for a while, then he stood up, and the birds could be heard in the woods outside, and he stood quietly for a while, Yi Chu Several people woke up one after another. [

"Where is this place?"

Yichu hadn't woken up yet, when he opened his eyes and saw something strange, his mind cleared up for a moment, and when he saw Lancer who was sleeping at his feet, he retracted his feet, Lancer hit the ground, and he woke up instantly .

"Who dares to harm me?"

Lan Se slapped him, and instead of hitting Yichu, he hit Zhang Kai who was lying next to him. The burning pain on his face made Zhang Kai open.

"Which one who is not afraid of death dares to hit me?"

Hearing what they said, Yi Chu was completely speechless, he looked around but did not see Feng Qining, his heart sank.

"Murong, what are you going to do next?"

Feng Qining was nowhere to be found again, could they still leave her here?

"Let's be patient, Feng is not in danger, I don't want to go unprepared again"

Going without the slightest preparation, going there is just death, this time, he must make the preparations to make sure nothing goes wrong.

"Well, I thought so too"

He was also injured, and now he should heal his injuries quickly, otherwise everything else is just fantasy.

"Where is this place?"

Lin Sheng looked around, but he couldn't find a way out. This forest seemed to be deserted, and there were so many weeds that he couldn't get in.

"Hasn't Feng said that there is no way in the world, and if there are many people walking, there will naturally be a way. Since no one walks, we will open a way by ourselves."

There is always someone at the beginning, and they believe that after they pass, someone will leave later.

"Yeah, aren't we human? If no one leaves, why don't we leave?"

It's easy to say, they try it, but they can't get in at all, how do they get there?

Hubao rubbed against Murongli's feet, he was looking for Feng Qining, why the master disappeared. [

"Little cat, do you miss Feng? Feng was captured by Jin Yun"

Sure enough, Tiger Leopard also wanted to know that that hateful man, even if he hurt his master, actually wanted to restore his master again, what was he doing as a master?

"Okay, let's find something to eat, take a rest after filling our stomachs, and then help me find medicinal materials"

Because he had no medicine on him, he suffered a disadvantage. During this period of time, he had to prepare well and never let this happen again.

This is easier said than done, such a forest has a lot of weeds, not to mention finding food, even walking in is difficult.

I wanted to find some pheasants, but I didn't find the pheasants, but I found a white rabbit instead.

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