A few big men didn't have any interest in being together, so they just did it casually, Murong Li was like a harvester, harvesting everything that could be used, even small herbs that he didn't like before, he put them into bags inside. www>

"Eat something, don't work so hard"

Yichu handed him a rabbit leg, Murongli stood up, he took it, took a bite, looked at him, Yichu sighed.

"You don't want to be like this, Ning'er will be sad when she sees her"

Murong Li is her most precious person, if he is not happy, she will not be happy either, if she sees his current appearance, she will feel very sad. [

"I don't want to be like this either, I just can't be happy, I don't know what happened to Feng, and there are no precious medicinal materials here, these things have no effect at all"

There is poison everywhere in that tomb, or it is a mechanism, and the poison inside is very poisonous. He does not have the best martial arts but he must have the best medicine, otherwise he has no confidence in rescuing Feng Qining.

"This forest is so big, we can definitely find some. There are so many of us. Besides, even if we can't find them, there are still some of them."

There are also tigers and leopards. With them, are you afraid that you won’t find good medicine?

"Yes, □□"

Murong Li beckoned, and Zhu Chiniao landed on his shoulder. Originally, it was standing on Jin Yun's side, but Jin Yun took Feng Qining away and left it behind, which means he couldn't trust it. , this made it very angry, and it decided to stand by Murong Li, so Zhu Chiniao changed from being reluctant to help Murong Li to helping Murong Li with all his heart.

Hubao is right, this person loves his master wholeheartedly and he has never done anything to hurt his master, and has always been with him forever.

"Go and get some medicine for me, I want..."

Murong Li said a lot of grass and flower names, Zhu Chiniao lowered his head, how could it remember so many names?She's just a bird, he shouldn't overestimate it, okay?

"Murong, don't worry, let Zhu Chiniao come to look for you like that"

Seeing Zhu Chiniao's dejected look, Yichu could guess what it meant, Murongli was still eager for quick success, it was just a bird, how could it bear such great pressure.

"Okay, just help me find the first one."

The scarlet bird flapped its wings. Although it couldn't remember everything, it still remembered most of them. It found all the things it remembered, and it was probably about the same.

The tiger and leopard rubbed against Murongli's feet, it wanted to find something too, so it couldn't let it just sit here and do nothing.

"Hubao, go and get some tiger skins for us"

Murong Li's words frightened the tiger and leopard. Tiger skins need a few more. It's not that it can't, it needs a tiger. Let alone a few tigers here, it's probably hard to find even one.

"Murong, what do you want the tiger skin for?"

Yichu asked the tiger and leopard's heartfelt thoughts. He hadn't heard that he wanted it before, so why did he want it now.

"Don't you guys think it's a bit cold here? It's probably going to be very cold at night, right? We always need something to keep out the cold" [

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere at night.

"The reaction doesn't have to be a tiger's skin, it's just enough to keep out the cold."

After the tiger and leopard left, Murong Li looked around and raised his head inadvertently. He found that these trees were all the same.

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