"Look, are these trees Acacia trees?"

Murong Li rubbed his eyes, he felt that he was wrong, but when he took a closer look, it was still an acacia tree, he was not mistaken at all, there are acacia trees all over the mountain, who planted these?

Yichu also raised his head, just now they were only focused on filling their stomachs and looking for herbs, how could they have time to see what kind of trees these are, now they look, what are these not acacia trees?

"So many acacia trees?"

Yichu looked into the distance, the trees couldn't be seen at a glance.Fiction Rankings
"But this place seems to be a primitive forest. No one has ever walked through it. How can there be so many acacia trees?"

Murong Li thought deeply, they came here when they woke up, Jin Yun should have brought them here, Feng Qi Ning asked him to let them go by taking herself as a hostage, Jin Yun readily agreed, and then they arrived here.

That person wouldn't be so easy to talk to, but they are indeed here now, and there doesn't seem to be any danger here, so where is this place?

"Will this be an exit"

Lancer's first guess was, wasn't it also a forest when they came in?It's just not so desolate.

Lan Se's words made Murongli and Yichu's heart skip a beat. If this is the exit, would they have walked out of this forest and arrived at the place they first came to?

"What are you thinking so much about? It doesn't matter if it is an export or not. It is true to rescue Feng first. If it is really an export, then we will make money."

Zhang Kai's words attracted everyone's approval. Now let's not worry about what is said or not, it is true to rescue Feng Qining, even if it is said, they will not go out.

We all came together, and if we want to leave, of course we all go together.


Feng Qining was tired from walking, so she sat on the tree. She swayed her feet slightly, looked at the sea of ​​flowers below, raised her hand, and a flower was in her hand. She was bored picking petals one by one. with.

She originally wanted to practice, but she was too weak, and she practiced again when she was asleep. Now she can't be in a hurry, she can only take it step by step.

Jin Yun looked at Feng Qining from below, he told her to go back to rest, but she was unwilling to go back anyway, she said it was very comfortable here.

"Feng, come down, I'll take you somewhere"

Looking at Jin Yun, Feng Qining didn't want to go at first, but it doesn't matter if she agrees or not, Jin Yun just told her, he didn't ask her at all, he just told her.

"Take me where?"

Feng Qining landed beside Jin Yun, Jin Yun's arms wrapped around her waist, Feng Qining looked at him with cold eyes, who let him take advantage of her?Is he desperate?

"We walk around"

Jin Yun led Feng Qining forward, Feng Qining struggled: "Let's just go, don't drag and drop" [

Jin Yun let go of Feng Qining's waist, but he was supposed to grab her hand, Feng Qining had no choice but to let him take it.

"Can we go on here?"

Feng Qining looked around, there was no way out, she couldn't see the way here at all.

"Whether there is a road, we will know if we walk."

Jin Yun picked up the flowers, the scenery in front of her eyes changed, Feng Qining saw a mountainside below, it turned out that those flowers covered the path just now.

"It turns out there is another world"

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