
Feng Qining yelled, Jin Yun thought something happened, and turned her body around, Jin Yun pulled Feng Qining's skirt even more. www>

"What are you doing?"

Feng Qi stared at him angrily, did he do it on purpose?Only then did Jin Yun see clearly what had happened.

"I, I didn't mean to"[

Rao Jinyun was a little at a loss at this time, Feng Qining's skirt was torn off a large piece by him, and now it became an irregular skirt.

"I'm sorry, what's the use of asking if it's useful?"

Jin Yun looked at her with confused eyes, what does this mean?

Feng Qining looked at her skirt, because a large piece of the skirt was torn off, her feet could be seen, and her snow-white skin was shining in the sun.

"Okay, let's move on"

Jin Yun looked at her feet and frowned, "Don't you need to go back and get dressed?"

"For what? No one is watching now, only you. What's the point of seeing a little?"

He couldn't see her body, she wore suspender skirts, not to mention this one was a little torn, most of them still couldn't be seen, what was he afraid of?

"Now there are only two of us, you can dress like this, if there are outsiders, you don't want to"

Seeing Jin Yun's endless signs, Feng Qining glanced at him impatiently: "Why are you as nagging as Li Meiren and Brother Yi?

What Feng Qining hates the most is other people's naughty thoughts, which are endless and keep people from living.

"I'm here for you"

Not good for her, everyone said so, she didn't want them to be good for her like this.

"Okay, I get it, I must not dress like this in front of outsiders, is it okay?"

Only then did Jin Yun nod his head, his appearance seemed to say, this is the right way.

"Let's keep going down there"

When she said this, Feng Qining looked at the flowers, Jin Yun nodded, and stretched out her hand to her, Feng Qining put her hand on it.

It took the two of them a long time to go down. There was a peach blossom forest below, and the peach blossoms were actually in bloom. Feng Qining felt that this was a magical place, where all the things that others thought incredible could come true here.

"Wow! So beautiful"[

Feng Qining looked at these, Jin Yun took off a bunch and put it in front of Feng Qining: "Flowers match beauties"

"Can't I pick it myself?"

Feng Qining stretched out her hand, and a bigger bunch came into her hand. She glanced at him proudly, and then walked forward, unexpectedly there was a puddle in front of her, so she stepped on it.

The water splashed everywhere, even splashing on Feng Qining's face, Feng Qining's eyes were full of annoyance, what kind of luck is she?Why is she so unlucky everywhere, she is still unlucky after coming here, can't she have some good luck?

"Uh, Feng, are you okay?"

Jin Yun held back a smile and asked, is this the consequence of rejecting him?

"Laugh if you want, and what else can I do?"

Feng Qining calmly wiped the water from her face, in fact, she wished to point at God and scold her, what mistake did she make, God wants to treat her like this?

If it's unlucky, it shouldn't be her, it should be the person next to him, right?He is so hateful, why doesn't God punish him?

"Let me see"

Just as Jin Yun approached Feng Qining, Feng Qining avoided him like the plague.

"It's because of you that I'm so unlucky, don't come near me anymore."

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