Feng Qining's words pierced Jin Yun's heart like a knife. It turned out that in her heart, he was like a broom star, bringing disaster to her.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
He did not appear at one time.


Jin Yun wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say. He could say, in fact, he appeared to bring her luck?It's just that no matter how you listen to it, it's not convincing.

"What are you? Did I say something wrong? Since you appeared, I have been unlucky. I came to this place inexplicably, and then I was hunted down. Do you think that if it weren't for you, there would be so many things?" [

"But this..."

It's all because he loves her, Jin Yun really wanted to say this, but such words are so weak, it seems that he has never given her a happy day.

"I don't want to do this either, but you tell me, what should I do? What should I do to make you happy"

Jin Yun grabbed Feng Qining's hand, Feng Qining let go slowly: "The happiness I want is not something you can give."

Her happiness is with Murong Li, not with him, but she knows that no matter what she says, he will never let her go, so why should she say more?

"You don't have to do anything"

She doesn't need him to do anything for her: "You don't owe me anything, even if you owe me, you owe Feng Xiao, but you have been lonely for so long, and you are worthy of her, so you and her don't owe each other anymore."

"No, it's not a matter of debt, I love you, you know? I don't want anyone but you"

Feng Qining flicked her sleeves and walked forward. With this question, he could always return to the original place. No matter what she said, he could always return to the original point.

She felt that she was persistent enough that she wouldn't give up until the Yellow River, but she didn't expect that this person was even more of a cow, even if she got to the Yellow River, she wouldn't give up when she saw the coffin.

"Let's keep going, if we keep talking like this, the sky will be dark"

Feng Qining changed the subject, Jin Yun was also frustrated by her doing this, she always thought that he was obsessed with her, not love, but only he knew, if it wasn't for love, he would never be able to hold on for so long.

He didn't recognize his own heart at the beginning, so he missed it. If he doesn't grasp it well this time, he will regret it for the rest of his life. Loving her and waiting for her has become a thing in his life. If he doesn't wait for her, he doesn't love her. She, he doesn't know what is the use of him living in this world.

Feng Qining walked down, the bottom was not like the top, full of flowers everywhere, there were only a few sparse flowers at the bottom, and then there was a small stream.

"Why is there a river here?"

Feng Qining looked at the top, there was nothing there at all, the river seemed to appear as soon as it appeared, and it would not appear if it did not appear.

"Feng is so smart, can't she guess it?"

She should have guessed it a long time ago, otherwise her attention would not have been on the stream last time, but he has cast spells on the tree and flowers, as long as someone touches it, it will trigger the formation, just like Feng Qi Same as last time.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask" [

Feng Qining looked at the creek, then turned around, she had already learned the lesson last time, this time she didn't want to touch the wall again, if she really wanted to go, she would have to wait until her injury healed after.

"Where is this place? Is there no one but the two of us?"

Wouldn't that be boring?What is she going to do after she finishes her cultivation?Is it to face him?

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