If he was Limei, she wouldn't get tired of facing him every day, but he is not, so wouldn't it be boring for her to look at him every day?

"Wouldn't it be nice to be here with me?"

Well, he's a big-headed ghost!

"I really want to deceive you, but my conscience is really sorry, although you are very good-looking, but, no matter how beautiful you are, you will get tired of seeing too much, let alone you are not a beauty."

After leaving these words, Feng Qining turned around and left. She walked under a tree and looked at this big banyan tree. While walking, something fell from above.look
Subconsciously, Feng Qining caught it, and it turned out that this was nothing but a bird.

Where did the bird come from?Just when Feng Qining was in doubt, a gust of wind rushed towards her face, she looked up and saw a black figure, just when she was about to make a move, Jin Yun stood in front of her.

With a wave of his sleeve, the big bird was swept away by him, Feng Qining blinked, and then looked at the small bird in her hand.


Feng Qining put the little bird in front of Jin Yun, and before Jin Yun could say anything, the big bird flew back again.

"Where did this thing come from?"

Feng Qi Ning hides behind Jin Yun, let him worry about it, she will not take action unless she is forced to, hurting him will not do her any harm.

With a flick of Jin Yun's hand, the big bird was immobilized.

"get it off"

Feng Qining clapped her hands and yelled like a child, seeing her like that, a smile appeared in Jin Yun's eyes, no matter how she changed, the love of playing in her bones remained the same.

As soon as Jin Yun grabbed it, the big bird fell to the ground. Looking at the black bird, Feng Qining flattened her mouth: "This hair is black, it's even worse than □□, it's really ugly"

Feng Qining tugged at the black bird's hair, and the black bird stared at her.

This is the place where Jin Yun practiced, so there is naturally a lot of aura. This bird has been here for a long time, so it naturally has a little aura.

There are no monsters in this era, otherwise maybe it could be a monster.

"Yo, you can still hear me, believe it or not, I stripped your hair and cooked it"

Feng Qining lifted it up, she knew that it was immobilized by Jin Yun's spell, no matter how hard she tossed it, it couldn't get away.

Now the black bird couldn't understand what she was saying, so it stared at her with its eyes, and then looked at the little bird in her hand.

"Why is there a bird here?"

Feng Qining was curious, this was the only creature she saw here, otherwise the others would be living creatures. [

"I don't know, maybe it's been here for a long time."

Jin Yun also looked at the black bird in Feng Qining's hand. At that time, he searched it deliberately, but couldn't find it, so why is it here now?

"Then can I take it back?"

Feng Qining looked at Jin Yun cautiously, she was very afraid that if he snatched it away, then her only joy would be lost.

"Of course, if Feng wants to keep it, then let it stay."

Feng Qining was very happy, if Jin Yun were Murong Li, she would definitely give him a big hug.

"Let's go back"

Feng Qining looked around and felt that there was nothing to see, so she wanted to go back.

"Don't look at Feng anymore? After all, it is so difficult to get down."

Feng Qining thinks about it too, her skirt can only come off when it's rotten, it seems like a waste not to take a good look at it.

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