Feng Qining wants to raise it into a second urchin, urn is not poisonous, but this one is poisonous, isn't this a bag of poison with her?

"From now on, you will be called Dahei.
Feng Qining said to the little bird, doesn't that Jin Yun have a little black?Then she will raise a big black and defeat his little black.

Feng Qining smiled very treacherously, Jin Yun just came in and saw Feng Qining smiling complacently, he didn't know that that pure and beautiful face also had such a sly smile.

"What is Feng laughing at? So happy?" [

"Why didn't I laugh, where did I laugh happily? Where did I have it?"

She returned to the normal Feng Qining, but Jin Yun found that he still liked the smiling and mischievous Feng Qining the most, but she always hid her true self in front of outsiders.

"Well, no."

Jin Yun was sitting beside her, and just as Feng Qining stood up, Jin Yun took her hand, and he happened to touch her wound, Feng Qining sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Jin Yun quickly let her go, Feng Qining looked at him in disbelief: "You said it wasn't intentional, but I think you did it on purpose."

One look at him and he knew that he was not a good person who knew she had a wound and wanted to grab her. Wasn't this intentional?

"I came here to give you medicine, but I didn't expect you to avoid me like a snake before the medicine arrived"

Jin Yun waved the medicine in his hand to her, Feng Qining took the medicine in his hand, Jin Yun dodged: "You can't get it by yourself, let me do it"

Feng Qining weighed it up, now that if the wound needs to heal quickly, then she can't play petty temper, this person's temper is stronger than hers, if she won't let him, I don't know what else he can do.

Jin Yun looked at her, he knew that she would come back obediently in the end, sure enough, Feng Qining slowly walked to his side, and then sat beside him.

Very silent, Jin Yun grabbed Feng Qining's hand, and then carefully untied the rag, the wound actually opened a little, Feng Qining blinked.

No way, the poison has already disappeared, but the wound can still expand, is there a mistake?

"What kind of poison is this, so powerful?"

Feng Qining looked at her darkened wound, and couldn't imagine what would happen if she didn't take medicine.

"I don't know what the poison is. I only know that the poison is corrosive. If it is not eliminated quickly, the wound will intensify."

At that time, the whole body will be covered with toxins, and then the whole person will turn into a ball of black blood.

Feng Qining's body trembled, isn't it, it's so scary.

"The meat next to it is rotten, I can't take it anymore, I will cut it off, it may hurt a bit, bear with it" [

Feng Qining nodded, no matter how much pain she endured, now it's just a little bit of flesh cut off, nothing more.

Jin Yun handed a piece of cloth to Feng Qining, Feng Qining shook her head, indicating that she didn't need it.

"Bite it, it will hurt for a while, I'm afraid you can't bear it"

Feng Qining watched him go on and on, she could only bite, Jin Yun took a small knife, he put it on the fire and burned it.

Looking at Feng Qining's snow-white arm, Jin Yun's hands trembled a little, asking him to cut her flesh, how could he do it.

"Hurry up, why hesitate?"

Feng Qining urged, it's just that she lost a little flesh, she couldn't die, she would die if she didn't cut her.

Jin Yun took a deep breath, and dropped the knife.

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