It hurts, Feng Qining clenched her teeth, the cloth seemed to be crushed by her, cold sweat dripped down Feng Qining's forehead, Jin Yun was not much better than her. www>

He carefully cut Feng Qining's flesh around Feng Qining's wound with a knife. It should have only taken a few minutes, but Jin Yun took half an hour.

After finishing, he helped Feng Qining apply the medicine with trembling hands, and he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Feng Qining looked at Jin Yun's appearance, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead herself.

"It seems to be me who is suffering now, why do you seem sadder than me?" [

Of course it was sad, seeing her hurt was a hundred times worse than his own being hurt.

"It's okay, you can rest yourself"

Jin Yun stood up, he walked out of Feng Qining's room in silence, Feng Qining didn't think about it, she looked at her thickly bandaged arms, and thought of Murong Li again.

What is that person doing?Are you thinking about yourself?

Murong Li is currently making herbal medicines non-stop, there are no medicinal materials here, he smashes those medicines bit by bit, and then makes a pill.

He is constantly busy every day, not allowing himself time to stop, he is afraid that he will miss Feng Qining when he stops.


Yi Chu hurried in from the outside, but Murong Li never looked up at him.

"Murong, I found the entrance"

There was seriousness in Yichu's voice, but Murongli just responded softly, as if his discovery didn't attract him at all.

"It's just behind, go and have a look if you have time"

Yichu sighed, Murongli returned to the lifeless look before, Feng Qining disappeared, as if taking his life away, if she saw him like this, she would feel so distressed Woolen cloth.

"I know, you have worked hard, take a rest"

How hard is he? He runs in and out every day, but it seems that he has done nothing. In fact, he is the hardest one. He works day and night. Doesn't he feel tired?

"Murong, pay attention to your body, if Ning'er knows that you are like this, she will feel very distressed."

Distressed?If she felt bad, she wouldn't leave him alone, if she really couldn't bear it, she wouldn't leave him alone.

"Don't hate Ning'er, she doesn't want to do that either."

Looking at Murong Li's appearance, Yi Chu persuaded, Feng Qining's heart hurts so much, and she doesn't want to leave, if she was not forced, how could she make such a choice?

"I don't hate her, I just blame her"[

Blame her for making that choice, blame her for not believing him, he would rather die than leave her with that person.

Did she know that once she left like this, she might never come back again.

"If she hadn't done that, we might not be here now but dead inside. She is missing now, but we still have a chance to see her, and you still have a chance to reunite, don't you?"

As Feng Qining said, if you keep the green hills alive, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood, as long as you keep your life alive, you can plan everything after that.

Feng Qining lay on the bed, closed her eyes and fell asleep, Jin Yun appeared beside her bed, looked at the sleeping face, Jin Yun sighed, and he helped her cover the quilt.

He reached out his hand and wanted to touch her, but he didn't have the courage. Maybe when he touched her, she would wake up.

"Feng, tell me, what am I going to do with you?"

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