Lin Sheng was about to cry. He just thought that the danger was over, but he didn't expect that it was just the beginning. Why would there be a sharp arrow after the sharp knife passed.
"I think we should find out where the exit is?"

Feng Qining looked around, those arrows were flying from all directions, she couldn't resist them at all, her sword danced impenetrably.

"Yeah, let's find an exit."

Murong Li also looked around, his sword dance was vigorous, and the sword energy surrounded him like a ball. [

Soon, another incident happened to several people, because their feet were nailed and they could not move.

It turned out that unconsciously, a layer of liquid appeared from below, a sticky liquid.

"What is this thing? Why do I feel like I can't move my feet?"

Lancer looked at the watery liquid in a little horror, Feng Qining frowned so much that it could kill a fly, it was definitely not an option to go on like this, but the exit and mechanism could not be found.

Dazed, Feng Qining swiped the sword vigorously, the light hurt the unknown animal high above, only heard a sound, and all the organs stopped.

"Welcome to King Jin's Tomb, I wish you good luck"

A few large characters flew out from inside, bloomed like fireworks and then disappeared. Looking at the dark hole, Feng Qining and the others looked at each other, whether they should go in or not.

"Is it really King Jin's Tomb?"

Lin Sheng was surprised, "Why did you have to find this place? This is your way home?"

Lin Sheng's words reminded Feng Qining that they came here and wanted to go home. Jin Yun refused to tell her how to get back. Now they can only destroy this place. If she still can't go back after passing here, then she will accept her fate , came here and didn't go in, she would not be reconciled.

"Go, go."

Murong Li held Feng Qining's hand, Feng Qining nodded, now that they have come here, no matter what the road ahead is, they will go in.

After entering, the scenery changed, and three roads appeared in front of them.

There is a road full of flowers, a dark road, and a white road where the road ahead cannot be seen clearly. On the road covered with flowers, it seems that someone is waving to them in the distance.

"Let's go this way"

Lin Sheng suggested, and Lancer patted him on the head: "Mother hasn't spoken yet, what are you talking about?"

Lin Sheng was full of grievances and had nowhere to vent. He felt that this road was the brightest one. It should be fine to take this road. If he disagreed, he would not agree. Why beat him?

It must be that woman's teaching is bad. Doesn't that woman like to beat people's heads the most?

"Don't look at me like that, or I'll dig out your eyeballs and play with them"[

Feng Qining made an eye-gouging movement, Lin Sheng closed her eyes, it was too fierce, this woman really hasn't changed at all.

"Okay, Feng, don't scare him anymore"

Murong Li grabbed Feng Qining's hand back, Feng Qining looked at the three roads in front of her, and gave her this choice again, knowing that this was the choice she hated the most.

"Limei, which one do you choose?"

Murong Li looked at the one that couldn't see the way ahead: "I choose this"


Where there is no life at all, isn't he afraid of a dead end?

"Life and death are always changing. Who can say that a desperate situation is not a habitat?"

"I agree with Li Meiren's words, life comes from a desperate situation, only after death can one know the value of life"

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