Where there is life, there is death. Life, death, and death are always changing. Who can guarantee that it is not a dead end on the side that seems to be sunny?

"Where mother said to go, then I will go there, I have been following mother"

Lancer said cutely, his shiny eyes blinked like two gemstones. www>

"Son, how long has it been since you put on eye drops?"

Feng Qi Ning touched Lan Se's eyes, Murong Li was standing behind her, Feng Qi Ning looked around, and found that Murong Li was blocking Lin Sheng, after Feng Qi Ning brushed Lan Se's eyes, Lan Se blue eyes appear. [

"Mother, after you disappear, no one cares about me"

Lan Se looked at Feng Qi Ning sadly, her sapphire-like eyes were moist and innocent, her face was peachy, her blue eyes were shining, her thin lips were pink and tender, she looked like a pet that was very suitable for captivity.

Seeing his appearance, Yichu stood in front of Feng Qining: "No one pays attention to you, right? Then let me take good care of you now, okay?"

Yichu deliberately bit the "take good care" very hard.

"I do not want you"

What's so good about a big man?It depends on Feng Qining.

"Then you said you don't want me or no one takes care of you?"

Want him?Lancer's body trembled, why did this sound so ambiguous?

"Okay, brother Yi, stop making trouble, paint it for him, and let's continue on our way"

Feng Qining took the medicine from Yichu's hand, this group of people just love to fight, but it's really boring if we don't fight together.

Lin Sheng looked at them, then at the road covered with flowers, and moved forward slowly.


When he got to the front, Lin Sheng suddenly yelled, and Murong Li paused for a moment before rushing forward.

"Li Meiren"

Feng Qining didn't care about anything, and rushed forward. Now, everyone chose this path.

Murong Li stepped forward, and found that Lin Sheng was there in good order, there was nothing wrong at all, his black eyes were filled with anger.

"It's okay, what's your name?"

The subtext is that he is courting death?

"You, look" [

Lin Sheng pointed to the front, and saw a white mist in front of him. In the white mist, it seemed that there was a woman dancing in Tingting.

Originally, there was no white mist around Murong Li and the others, but after they watched for a few seconds, they were surrounded by white mist.

Feng Qining yelled inwardly that she was not good, she turned her head, where was there a way behind her?Everything is white, and you can't see the way you came from.

"Feng, what are you looking for?"

A gentle and affectionate voice sounded in her ears, Feng Qining raised her head, Murong Li came to her side at some point, "he" took her hand, then lowered her head slightly, the face that was originally as gentle as jade, did not know when Added a layer of charm.

Just like an angel who has fallen into the devil's way, there is a layer of black in the pure white.

Feng Qining blinked, she seemed to be bewitched, she stared blankly at such Murong Li.

"Li Meiren"

When Murong Li was looking for a partner, she suddenly heard Feng Qining's cry, and then she suddenly appeared in front of him like before, her eyes were like silk, and she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Li Meiren"

There was something wrong with Feng Qining like this, Murong Li looked at her calmly.

"Li Meiren, I thought you were missing, I'm so worried about you"

This Feng Qi Ning approached Murong Li, her delicate voice hit her heart, it was like being punched softly, soft and soft.

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