Murong Li immediately felt that something was wrong, because even if Feng Qining was charming, her face was still red, and there was shyness and love in the depths of her eyes, where is this Feng Qining?The eyes are too calm, nothing.look
"What's wrong with Feng?"

Murong Li looked at her affectionately, stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch her face, when it touched her face, his hand was like lightning, and suddenly reached under her neck, mercilessly, Murong Li forcefully, right hand sword cut at her.

After a burst of red mist passed, there was nothing in the original place, the scenery in front of Murong Li changed, and at this moment, there was also a person standing in front of him, with a green dress and white hair.

Perhaps feeling someone's gaze, Feng Qining turned around and saw that it was Murong Li, her calm eyes suddenly became sparkling. [

"Li Meiren"


You don't need to say anything, you can tell if the other party is real with just one glance, because the other party has long been engraved in your heart, even if someone else turns into the other party's appearance, you can recognize at a glance whether it is true or not. Not the other side.

Feng Qining looked around, but didn't see Yichu and the others, probably they haven't broken free yet.

"Li Meiren, did you see any beauties just now?"

Feng Qining asked very calmly, looking at her calm expression, she asked casually as if gossiping.

"Yes, I saw a person exactly like you, but I recognized it at a glance if it was you"

Feng Qining was happy, seeing how fast he was, she also knew that he hadn't misidentified her.

When the two were in love, a person fell from above their heads. Fortunately, Murong Li reacted quickly and grabbed Feng Qining aside, otherwise Feng Qining would have been smashed into meatloaf.

Yichu was smashed to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

After the shock, Feng Qining saw the fallen person clearly, and she ran over quickly.

"Brother Yi, how are you?"

Feng Qining just lowered her body and asked, but didn't help him up.

"Look at me, do you look like a normal person?"

What she said was nonsense, he couldn't even stand up, is it all right?I don't know who it was, but after he gave her a knife, he actually kicked her in the waist.

It really is the most poisonous woman's heart!

"Brother Yi, I'm also a woman, don't scold me together"

Feng Qining helped Murongli to support Yichu, Murongli's hand was strong, and Yichu let out a muffled snort.

"How old are you, you often twist your waist" [

Murong Li clapped his hands, Yichu had no time to answer, another person fell from the top again, Yichu never imagined that he was so unlucky, his waist was not healed, and he didn't have time to move, so he became someone else's pad.

Lancer was prepared for pain, but unexpectedly, when he touched the ground, it was soft.

"How could it be warm?"

Lancer touched the soil under his body, it didn't seem to be soil, it seemed to be clothes?Lancer twitched again.

Yichu wanted to answer at first, but unexpectedly Lancer strangled his neck, and he was immediately speechless.

Feng Qining and Murong Li were also stunned by this scene.

"Did I hit someone?"

After realizing it, Lan Se finally came to his senses, and Feng Qining was pulled back to her senses by Lan Se's words.

"Son, if you don't get up again, brother Yi will be smashed by you"

Lan Se quickly climbed off Yichu's body, Yichu's face was flushed, and he was gasping for breath.

Lancer lifted him off the ground, then dusted his clothes.

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