The vermilion bird's wind was also very accurate. Wherever the ball of fire didn't fly, it flew back to the man's mouth, eating the fire he spit out, and the man took two steps back.
The ribbon flew out of Feng Qining's hand like a swimming dragon, wrapped around the man's hand, Murong Li flew out, Feng Qi Ning exerted force, the man was in pain, Murong Li successfully snatched Jing Sheng back from the man's hand, The red woman grabbed Feng Qining's ribbon and pulled Feng Qining towards her.

The swords in Yichu and Lanse's hands were full of sword energy. They thought they would hurt that person, but unexpectedly, her belly puffed up, and she actually bounced their swords back. Feng Qining quickly retracted the ribbon.

Where did this woman come from? Even if she looks ugly and scary, she is actually so powerful.

"If you want to hurt me, how can it be so easy" [

Like a wall, the red woman stood in front of them: "If you want to pass, pass me first"

It turns out that she is also one of the guardian emissaries of King Jin's tomb. In this tomb, there are not only many traps, but also many people and things guarded. At this time, Feng Qining felt that this tomb was different from the ones she had seen before. Same.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Since you are so beautiful, why not go out and seduce men, maybe there will be countless men bowing down under your pomegranate skirt."

Who would fall in love with her?Why don't she let her go out and harm others?If she fell in love with a man and he refused, maybe she would snatch him back.

Judging by her size, she might smash someone to death, so there's no need to do it.

"What is a pomegranate skirt? I'm not a pomegranate, so I don't wear a pomegranate skirt. Also, the men outside are so ugly, only my brother Bai is worthy of me."

The red woman twisted her waist, and there was still a shy expression on her face. Looking at her expression, Feng Qining wiped away the sweat that appeared on her forehead, Murong Li's black line, the corners of Yichu's mouth twitched, Lancer convulsed , Zhang Kai's face turned blue, Jing Sheng was speechless, and Lin Sheng's eyes were dull.

Everyone looked terrified by her.

"There are people who want to grow up like this. I really want to know who that man is."

Such a woman can still eat, Feng Qining admires that man from the bottom of her heart.

"Who can tell clearly, maybe that man looks like her, isn't this a natural match?"

This era pays attention to being well-matched!

Lan Se: "Murong is right, the man I saw who fell in love with her may be because there are no women here"

Yichu: "That's a last resort"

Zhang Kai: "Lonely is unbearable, both of them are"

Jing Sheng: "Being forced to do nothing"

The woman in red has only a half-knowledge of what these people say, and sometimes she doesn't understand at all, but judging by their appearance, what they say is definitely not good.

Her face was flushed red, and when Feng Qining and the others were unprepared, a ball of fire came out of her mouth again.

Zhu Chiniao bit Feng Qining's hair, Feng Qining turned her head, seeing the fire flying towards her, she stretched out her palms. [

Red flames came out from Feng Qining's palm.

"Firework Palm"

Feng Qi yelled coquettishly, and the red flames rushed towards the red woman like two fire dragons.

When he withdrew his hand again, the woman was no longer on the spot, and the thick fog dissipated, and a passage appeared in front of everyone.

It's just that the passage is red, it looks a bit weird, and it looks like an eye, Feng Qining and the others didn't lift their feet.

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