"Who came first?"

Feng Qining asked?Everyone's eyes turned to Lin Sheng. Frost hairs appeared on Lin Sheng's back. Before he could plead for mercy, Lancer kicked him out. www>

"Since you like this road so much, go for it"

Lin Sheng staggered for a moment, then fell into his eyes.

Regarding Lancer's actions, everyone didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it, on the contrary, they felt that it was very normal. [

"Son, you are doing well"

It doesn't matter if you are alone, but you often commit two mistakes. If you don't know your second after committing the crime, then you need to remind him well.

"Not bad, worthy of praise, and we need to work harder in the future"

Murong Li nodded, and they stood outside for a while, but they boldly walked in without hearing any sound from inside.

After entering inside, all that could be seen was red, the red light was coming from the wall, faintly, Feng Qining and the others could still feel a burst of scorching heat.

Could it be that the wall is still burning?Feng Qining was a little frightened, and when she was in doubt, a shout suddenly came from the front.


Lin Sheng was rushed back by a stream of water, and in the blink of an eye, Feng Qining and the others couldn't avoid it.

Floating in the water, Feng Qining was knocked to the side, and Murong Li and the others couldn't avoid it, it was like a river after it rained, the flood roared, and then Feng Qining and her group were rushed back to their original places.

When the water flow gradually decreased, the place where they stood before became a pond.

"Help, help, help me"

Lin Sheng kept splashing in the water, Feng Qining grabbed him out of the water impatiently: "Aren't you doing well? What's your name?"

"This water is only one meter deep, can it still drown you?"

Murong Li also got up from the water, followed by the tiger and leopard, and saw it shake off the water on its body, and all the water splashed on Lin Sheng's face.

"Nothing better than a kitten"

Lancer despises.

"Don't tell us in advance if there is danger, won't you tell us not to go in?"

Yichu complained.

Zhang Kai came to a conclusion: "The conclusion is that he deserves a beating"[

Jing Sheng helped: "Don't just talk but don't do it, aren't we action-oriented?"

Feng Qining threw him down, let him see for himself, how much public anger he has accumulated, if this continues, she probably won't be able to protect him.

Lin Sheng looked at Feng Qining as if begging for help. He didn't do it on purpose. He thought it was all right. Unexpectedly, a sudden burst of water rushed out of it. He was also a victim. Why didn't they comfort him?

"What the hell happened?"

This idiot, they have already asked him to speak, but he still keeps his mouth tightly shut. Can't he tell what happened?

"Too, I don't know exactly what happened. After you kicked me in, I felt that there was no danger, and then I walked forward. I didn't expect to hear a sound. I didn't know what it was at first, and I was about to take a closer look. By then, the water was already in front of you, and you all know what happened next."

It's really two, Feng Qining rolled her eyes, "I've seen two, but I haven't seen you so two, is your IQ growing back?"

Isn't he brave enough to go forward by himself? If nothing happens, he wants to leave by himself, right?

"How can he grow back, I don't think he has grown at all"

If he had a brain, this would not be the case, obviously, he has no brains!

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