"Stop talking about me, should we think about it now, what should we do?"

Lin Sheng suggested in a low voice. In fact, he really didn't do it on purpose. He came here because he saw the beautiful scenery here. Who knew it would turn out like this?

Sure enough, if you don't listen to Feng Qining's words, you will suffer losses, but you have suffered all the losses, so what can you do now?

"You said you were at a disadvantage, so what else can you do but move forward? Did you see anything just now?"

Lin Sheng shook his head, he didn't see anything except a gust of water.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

Everyone was speechless. They wanted to say a few more words to him at first, but seeing his expression, they were too embarrassed to scold him again. They were not the kind of people who would take their anger out on others. Now that the situation has been like this, there is no way to change it. What else can I do but accept?

"Look, the water is slowly disappearing"

Yichu found that the water that reached his waist just now had only reached his thighs.

"Even so, we have no way to warm up"

Zhang Kai spread his hands, Lancer looked around, and finally nodded: "Yes, there is no way to start a fire."

There is nothing here, this is a tomb, not a forest, and it is said that there is a fire to roast, the scarlet bird fluttered, and finally floated from the water.

Feng Qining grabbed it: "□□, thanks to you, you are still□□, you almost drowned"

Zhu Chiniao bowed its head and stood on Feng Qining's shoulder. The master's beak became less and less virtuous. It was clearly a bird, but she insisted on giving it such a name, and now she blamed it again.

How could it swim? It was almost drowned in it.

Feng Qining took a glance and saw that no one was injured, so she felt relieved. Although she was wet, she could survive without any injuries.

Lin Sheng touched his forehead. His forehead was bruised, and he was actually the most unlucky one. He was kicked in by them as a substitute for a dead ghost, and he came back like this.

They didn't hurt at all, and he had a lump on his forehead.

Touching his body, Lin Sheng finally remembered that something was wrong. He was still carrying dry food, and it was washed by the water, and he didn't know what it had become.

Lin Sheng took out dry food from his pocket, opened the cloth, and a pile of powder came out.

"there is none left"

Looking at the pile of powder, Lin Sheng was about to cry, how could it be like this, it was gone, so how is he going to live here?Don't you want to starve to death?

"Son, take a quick look, how is our dry food?"

Feng Qining also became worried, if she didn't eat in this kind of place, she would die.

"Mother, don't worry, nothing will happen" [

Having said that, Lancer opened the bag obediently, and saw him take out an oiled paper bag: "Mother, look, I have already wrapped it up."

"so smart"

Lancer looked up arrogantly, "That's natural, I won't be like some bastard."

Lan Se raised the paper bag in Lin Sheng's hand, looking at him, Lin Sheng's face wrinkled even more.

"Okay, get up quickly, you can eat what we have to eat"

Jing Sheng helped him up, Lin Sheng looked at him gratefully, at this moment, he was the only one who was taking pleasure in other's misfortune.

Murong Li: "When did you become so smart that you know you need to wrap dry food in oiled paper?"

It wasn't about the rain in the past. That time on the mountain, they had nothing to eat, and they were so hungry that they were about to become beggars.

"How could it be so fast that time, we are beggars"

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