Thinking of that look, Feng Qining still couldn't accept it. It was raining heavily on the mountain that time. When they arrived in the city, their clothes were torn and their hair was messy. The whole body was still covered in mud. That kind of look was not a beggar. No one believed it. www>

After resting for a while, Feng Qining and the others stood in front of that eye again.

"Look, if we stand a little farther away, we can see that there seems to be a black spot inside, but if we stand closer, there will be no black spots."

Feng Qining's words were practiced by everyone, and they found that it was indeed the case.

What is that black spot?Why can't I see it in a closer place? [

"Brother, try shooting an arrow"

Zhang Kai took down the bow and arrow behind him, nocked the arrow, and drew the bow. After the whistling sound, Feng Qining listened attentively, and she vaguely heard a scream.

Zhang Kai's archery, if he said that he was second, no one would say that he was first, it would definitely be the best.

"I think I heard screams"

After finishing speaking, Murong Li and Feng Qining looked at each other, and they had such a tacit understanding that they actually said it at the same time.

"I think it should be the person guarding the tomb. If he is injured, we can go in."

Jing Sheng took two steps. He looked at Lin Sheng beside him, and pushed him out without thinking, "It's better to be in front of you."

"You're not good enough friends, it's a pity that I treated you as a friend just now."

"This is what you have to go on your own. If you don't let you suffer, how do you know not to make mistakes?"

He always makes mistakes, and every time he makes mistakes, they are always the victims.

The most unfortunate thing for them is to find a companion like him!

Lin Sheng said something, Jing Sheng didn't hear clearly, he had already been kicked in by him, Feng Qining and the others were not in a hurry to go in, they waited for a while, about 10 minutes later, Nothing happened.

"Let's go in"

"it is good"

The passage can only accommodate three people, so Lan Se and Yi Chu walked in front, Feng Qining and Murong Li walked in the middle, Zhang Kai and Jing Sheng walked behind.

Everyone walked forward, and after walking for 10 minutes, Lin Sheng was still missing, Feng Qining was puzzled.

"Mr. Jing, how hard did you use that kick to make people disappear?"

Jingsheng was wronged.

"I just gave him a random kick, and logically speaking, the kick wasn't too far away"[

"I, I am here"

A weak voice sounded behind them, Lin Sheng was grateful to Feng Qining at this moment, fortunately she did not forget him, otherwise they probably would have moved on and would have ignored him.

Everyone turned around, only to see Lin Sheng sitting on the ground, because he didn't take up a lot of space and had no existence, so Feng Qining and the others automatically ignored him.

"Why are you here?"

Seeing that he was just sitting there and didn't intend to stand up, Zhang Kai took a closer look. He was not injured, and he didn't even smell blood.

"I, I can't get up"

Lin Sheng felt that he saw stars, red stars, and the stars kept flying around his head.

"It's strange that I see so many stars, those stars can move, tell me, am I dazzled?"

He was not dazzled, but was hit on the head, Zhang Kai lifted him up.

"Feng, I started to think back, why did we let him come with us?"

"He insisted on following us. If you think he is really a burden, then kill him. I have no objection."

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